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TS: SSC, OSSC and SSC Vocational Course Public Examinations, March-2019 Due Dates announced for remittance of Examination fee

All the District Educational Officers, RJDSEs/ ACGEs in the State. M.Sc, M.Ed. Director of Government Examinations AC. Telangana:: Hyderabad.



      SSC, OSSC and SSC Vocational Course Public Examinations, March-2019 Due Dates announced for remittance of Examination fee for all categories Arrange to give wide publicity in the available Print Media and Electronic Media under News item- Requested -Reg.


    Notification Rc.No.149/B-2/2018, dated:18-09-2018.


          While enclosing herewith two copies of notification of the due dates for remittance of Examination fee for Regular Private Once failed Candidates appearing for the SSC, OSSC and SSC Vocational Course Public Examinations, March-2019, I request you to take proper steps to give wide publicity in all available Print Media and Electronic Media under news item in your district and communicate to all schools for favour of information of the students and also in public interest.

Yours faithfully

Encl: Notification copy of Due Dates for SSC March-2019.

Copy to all

RJDSEs in the State. Copy to all ACGEs in the State.


⏩ 1. Fee for Regular candidates for all subjects is Rs.125-
⏩ 2. Fee for upto three and less than 3 subjects is Rs.110-
⏩ 3. Fee for more than 3 subjects is Rs.125/
⏩ 4. Fee for Vocational candidates is Rs.60/- in addition to Regular Examination fee of Rs.125/-prescribed for SSC academic courses.
⏩  5. The candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes / Scheduled Tribes and Backward Classes who are appearing for SSC March 2019 for the first time as Regular candidates and whose parental income does not exceed Rs.24,000/- per annum in urban areas and Rs.20,000/- or land holding not exceeding 2.5 Acres wet land / 5 acres dry land in Rural areas are exempted from the payment of examination fee. As such, the Headmasters are requested to satisfy themselves about the Parental income by insisting upon a certificate issued by the Mandal Revenue Officer as per rules

Important Note:

⏩ 1) There is no need to Submit ICR Cum OMR forms along with MNR.
⏩  2) Head Masters shall furnish the Candidates data through only online compulsorily.
⏩  3) Schedule dates for uploading online data will be communicated later separately.



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