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TS: Lr No 82/AL/2018 Date: 14-09-2018 Erst while Karimnagar Distrlct- Teachers Transfers June 2015- Availment of Preferential category/Spouse paints by the Headmasturs/Teachers in Teachers Transfers-Entry n the Service Register-Ongina Service Books Called for


From s.venkateshwarlu
The Dstrict Educational officer, Jagitial The District Educatlonal officer, capaily The District Educationa officer, Rajanra Siricila
The District Educational off cer, Siddipet The District Educational officer, Warangal Urban The District Educational officer, Javeshankar Bhupalpaly M.A BiEd Cist Educational Officer Karimnagar


TS: Lr No 82/AL/2018 Date: 14-09-2018 Erst while Karimnagar Distrlct- Teachers Transfers June 2015- Availment of Preferential category/Spouse paints by the Headmasturs/Teachers in Teachers Transfers-Entry n the Service Register-Ongina Service Books Called for

Sub:- Erst while Karimnagar Distrlct- Teachers Transfers June 2015- Availment of Preferential category/Spouse paints by the Headmasturs/Teachers in Teachers Transfers-Entry n the Service Register-Ongina Service Books Called for-Reg


    1) Instructions of the Director of School Education, TS, Hydarabas vide Proc Rc No 85.8


         I am to inform you that the Director of School Education, TS, Hyderabad vide reference instructed to make an ontry in the service registers of the Teechers who have evailed Preferential cstegary/5pouse Foints in the recent transfars Jlune 2018 Therefore, while enclosing the ct af Teachors those who have availed Preferential category/Spouse Points in the Teachers sransfers june 201B, I roquest vou lindly so depute 2 or a responsible office staff on the following dates along with the original service Registers of the Hoadmastore/Teochers and spouse of tha Teacher (Edutation Dapartrrenthas per the list so as to maku en entry to thls effect in the original service Ragicter Date to be attend at O/o DEO,

Further, I request you to address a letter to the Head of the instltutions of the spouse of the teschers who have avalled preferential cotegory with a request to make an entry in his/her original service register as availed preferential category in June 2018 and extend one true copy of entry du ly attested to the District Educational officer concerned and another copy to the undersigried with out fail to keep record This should be treated as Urgent and time bound

End: (uist)

yours foithfully
Dístrict Educational officer Karimnagar

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