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TS Proc.No. 3792/SSA/T4/2017 Dated:12.09.2018. Supply of School Uniforms to the Students studying in IX and X classes of Government & Local body Schools, Aided Schools TS Model Schools and TREIS and XI and XII classes of TS Model Schools, TREIS and KGBV for the Academic Year i.e. 2018-2019


TS Proc.No. 3792/SSA/T4/2017 Dated:12.09.2018. Supply of School Uniforms to the Students studying in IX and X classes of Government & Local body Schools, Aided Schools TS Model Schools and TREIS and XI and XII classes of TS Model Schools, TREIS and KGBV for the Academic Year i.e. 2018-2019


    SSA Telangana- Supply of School Uniforms to the Students studying in IX and X classes of Government & Local body Schools, Aided Schools TS Model Schools and TREIS and XI and XII classes of TS Model Schools, TREIS and KGBV for the Academic Year i.e. 2018-2019 Certain instructions-Issued Reg.


    1.This office Lr.No. 3792/SSA/T4/2017, dt:15.06.2018

    2.TSCO/CO/LS/SSA/2018-19/Supply schedule/2018, dt:06.09.2018 of DH & T, TS, Hyderabad.


         All the DEO's & Ex- officio Project Officers in the state are hereby informed that the Government have decided to provide uniforms to the Students studying in IX and X classes of Government&Local body Schools Aided Schools, TS Model Schools and TREIS and XI and XII classes of TS Model Schools, TREIS and KGBV for the Academic Year i.e. 2018-2019 Accordingly the indent was placed with Mutually Aided -Co-operative Societies (MACS), Siricilla, Rajanna Siricilla District. The TSCO has started supply of Uniform clothm5 September 2018 to the Mandal point. Therefore, they are directed to take necessary action on the following. 

Supply the school uniform cloth to the school point as soon as received the cloth at Mandal point by MEO without any further delay 

After reaching the cloth to the school point the concerned School 

Head Master/ SMC should measure the cloth with the help of local tailor. If any short fall of the cloth is noticed, furnish details to the DEO concerned under intimation to the SPD office 

HM shall handover the cloth the tailors in the presence of SMC after taking physical measurements of the school children for members stitching of uniforms.

 HM/SMC shall ensure that the tailor should complete the stitching and handover the Uniforms within in a week from the date of handing over the cloth. 

HM shall distribute the stitched uniforms to the children as soon as received the same from the tailor Any deviation in the matter will be viewed seriously and action will be initiated against the defaulters.

T.Vijaya Kumar
State Project Director

All the DEO's&Ex- Officio Project Officers in the state Copy to all the Deputy Educational Officers and Mandal Educational Officers in the state for taking necessary action. Copy to all the Head Masters (PS/UPS/HS/CRPs) for taking necessary action.

Copy to
the Regional Joint Director of School Education, Hyderabad& Warangal for follow up action for Sta t Direc


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