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TS Rc 3069, dated: 10.09.18 Release of budget towards the payment of honorarium to Vidya Volunteers in the schools from 20h July 2018 to September 2018


Present: Dr.K.Ravikanth Rao, M.A., M.Ed., Ph.D.

TS Rc 3069,  dated: 10.09.18 Release of budget towards the payment of honorarium to Vidya Volunteers in the schools from 20h July 2018 to September 2018


       School Education Siddipet District Engaging of Vidya Volunteers through SMCs with a hoorarium of Rs. 12,000/- per month for the academic year 2018-2019 Release of budget towards the payment of honorarium to Vidya Volunteers in the schools from 20h July 2018 to September 2018 Reg.


      G.O.Rt.No.97 SE (Prog.I) Dept., Dated:29.06.2016

      2) G.O Rt.No.48, SE (Prog.I) Dept, dated:02.06.2018

     3) Procs Rc.No.44/PS2-2/2018, dated: 11.07.2018 of the DSE, TS, Hyd

    4) Procs Rc.No.44/PS2-2/2018, dated:13.07.2018 of the DSE, TS, Hyd

    5) Procs Rc.No.44/PS2-2/2018, dated:29.08.2018 of the DSE, TS, Hyd.


                   The attention of all the Mandal Educational Officers in the district is invited to the reference 5th read above, through which the Director of School Education, TS Hyderabad has sanctioned the budget of Rs. 1,36,32,000/- (Rupees one crore thirty six lakhs thirty two thousand only) to Siddipet district under the head of account "2202 02-800-25-37-310-312" towards payment of Honorarium to (480) Vidya Volunteers working in the district during the academic year 2018-2019

         Accordingly, in pursuance of the instructions issued by the DSE, TS Hyderabad, the District Educational Officer, Siddipet is hereby pleased to release an amount of Rs.1,36,32,000 Rupees one crore thirty six lakhs thirty two thousand only) to all the Mandal Educational Officers in the district under the following head of account "2202-02-800-25-37-310-312" towards payment of Honorarium to (480) Vidya Volunteers working in the district during the academic year 2018-2019 as per the Annexure appended to these proceedings

Further, All the Mandal Educational Officers are hereby instructed to draw and utilize the amount for the purpose for which it is sanctioned and the honorarium shall be paid to the Vidya Volunteers in the first week of every month regularly as per their attendance through online to their bank accounts within the budget now relcased as per the existing rates prescribed by the Government and instructions issued from time to time. Delay in payment of honorarium to the Vidya Volunteers wil be viewed seriously and action will be initiated against the Head Master & Mandal Educational Officer concerned as per rules All the Mandal Educational Officers shall maintain proper accounts of the budget receipts and expenditure incurred in the Budget Control Register and to monitor the expenditure regularly. In case of any diversion of funds, they will be personally held responsible and disciplinary action will be taken against them as per rules. They shall reconcile the expenditure with STOs concerned and a reconciliation statement duly attested by the STOs concerned shall be submitted to the undersigned without fail. Any deviation in following the above said instructions will be viewed seriously and the amount mis-utilized, if any will be recovered from the Mandal Educational Officers concerned besides initiating disciplinary action as per rules. District Educational Officer Siddipet District

Encls: Annecture All the Mandal Educational Officers in the district

Copy to
the ATOs/STOs concerned through the DTO, Siddipet. Copies forwarded to the District Treasury Officer, Siddipet with a request to issue authorization to the concerned ATOs/STOs as per the Annexure. (7 copies Copy submitted to the Regional Joint Director of School Education, Hyderabad. Copy submitted to the Collector & District Magistrate, Siddipet for information. Copy submitted to the Director of School Education, TS, Hyderabad Spare- 2 copies



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