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TS Rc.No.202 ,Dated:25.09.2018 MIS Data Entry and Poshan Abhiyaan( *organize the activities in all the schools and upload in the Poshan Abhiyaan portal by 27.09.2018*) *-Certain Instructions -Issued -Reg.

TS Rc.No.202 ,Dated:25.09.2018  MIS Data Entry and Poshan Abhiyaan( *organize the activities in all the schools and upload in the Poshan Abhiyaan portal by 27.09.2018*) *-Certain Instructions -Issued -Reg.



Rc.No.202/MDM/2015 Dated:25.09.2018


    School Education Mid Day Meal Scheme Automated Monitoring System, MIS Data Entry and Poshan Abhiyaan Certain Instructions Issued- Reg.


       All the Districts Educational Officer's / Mandal Educational Officer's in the State are here by informed that the Government of India is reviewing daily on the following (3) item of works of Mid Day Meals Scheme. 1. Automated Monitoring System by way of SMS. 2. MIS Data Entry 3. Poshan Abhiyaan. Therefore, there is a need of immediate attention on the above items of work. I. All the Districts Educational Officer's Mandal Educational Officer's in the State are hereby informed that only 19512 schools have sent the details of Mid Day Meals taken as on 24.09.2018 by way of SMS. While enclosing the status of SMS they are instructed to ensure that sending enrolment particulars and daily meals taken by 100 % schools . If any changes in mobile phone numbers of HM's they may be edited at district level and if inter District change they may sent to this office. MIS Data

Entrv:- While enclosing the status of MIS Data entry status all the Cstricts Educational Officer's / Mandal Educational Officer's in the state except Nizamabad. Ranga Reddy and Nalgonda are requested to complete the Data entry in trgmdm.nic.in portal upto August 2018 by 27.09.2018 without fail III. Poshan Abhivaan:- All the Districts Educational Officer's Mandal Educational Officer's in the State ane hereby informed that only 403 schools have uploaded the activities o Poshan Maah in Poshan Abhiyaan portal. Therefore, they are requested to organize the activities in all the schools and upload in the Poshan Abhiyaan portal by 27.09.2018

For Director of School Education All the District Educational Officer s /Mandal Educational Officer's in the State. Copy to the Regional Joint Director of School Education, Hyderabad and Warangal. True Copy Attested/ Director (MDM


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