
AP Rc 3, dt 09.10.18 Guidelines for Preparation of Summative Question Papers From class 1 to V for the academie year 2018-19

Preparation of Summative Question Papers From class 1 to V for the academie year 2018-19

Sub: SCERT, AP, Amavati School Education Department Summative Exanination Preparation of Summative Question Papers From class 1 to V for the academie year 2018-19-Orders Issued-Reg.


   1.G.O.Ms No.62 of School Education (Pro Department, Datod: 18.09.2018

   2. G.O.MS No82 of School Education (Prog.1) Depme Ded 29.10.2015


             All the Principels of DIETs and DCEB Secretaries in the State are hereby informed that citied Summative I Examination shoald he conduted in all the Primary schools Soe classes I to V for the Acadeic Ycar 2018-19. As per the Academic Calendar Summative-I Examination is scheduled froen 22-11-2018 to 27-11-2018 In this cosnection all the DIET principeils are requesed to conduct workshop to develop Summative t question papers for the ucademic Year 2018-19, duly involving espers classroom paper setlers of peactitloners at Primary level, Further all the DIET Principals are informed that should fellow the blue grint and puiflerm of quesion rapers. The sylabus for preparation Question Papers is upto October 2018 copy of Question Papers to DEO for furnther counse of action. in their resgeesive districts in developing, gives time schedule duly followingconfidentiality as per examination rles in foroe. In this reged, all the DCEB seeretaries are instructed to co-ordinate with Principel DIET printing and discibution of questioe papers in the SCERT, Andhra Pradesh

All the DIET Principals in the state. All the DCEB Secretazies in the state. All be District Educational Officers in the Sune. Copy to Sate Project Director, SSA, Andhra Praesh for Infomation. Copy to Commissioner of School Education, Aedhea Pradeh for Informatien


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