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Dt 15.11.18 Revision of cooking cost @ 5.35 % w.e.f .. 01.04.2018 during 2018-19 under National Programme of Mid Day Meal in Schools (NP-MDMS)

F.No. 1-2/2018-Desk (MDM)
Government of India Ministry of Human Resource Development
Department of School Education & Literacy (MDM Division)
4900 Shastri Bhavan,
New Delhi.

Dated the 15th November, 2018

The Principal Secretaries / Secretaries (Education) /Nodal Department of all the States / UTs for National Programme of Mid Day Meal in Schools

Subject :

    Revision of cooking cost @ 5.35 % w.e.f .. 01.04.2018 during 2018-19 under National Programme of Mid Day Meal in Schools (NP-MDMS) regarding.

Sir /Madam,

    I am directed to say that it has been dec to increase the cooking cost under National regname of Mid Day Meal in schools , by 5.35 % w.ef 1 April, 2018 for the year 20189 cooking cost will be shared between the tre and States in the ratio of 60:40 for non-North Eastern Region (NER) States & U 90:10 for NER States and 3 HiyStates viz. Himachal Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir and Uttarakhand. The rates of cooki ost admissible w.e.f. 01.04.2018 during 2018-19 for Primary and Upper Primary class would be as under: approval of the competent authority and above the existing cooking cost. The legislature , 100 % for UTs without legislature and Cooking 60.40 nUs 90 : 10 NER and 3 Himalayan States | 100 % for UTs Cost per childperday Stage States and UTs with legislature without islature 4.35 Primary Rs. 6.51 Rs.3.91 Rs.2.60 Rs.5.86Rs.0.65 Rs.6.51 Upper Primary

2. The above cooking cost rates indicate the minimum mandatory contribution by the Centre and State Governments/UTs. However, States UTs may contribute more than their prescribed share as some States/UTs had been contributing more than their minimum mandatory share from their own resources for providing meals with better nutrition under Mid Day Meal Scheme.



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