Siddipet: Rc . No : DLEPC / B3 - Sci - 1 / 2019 dt . 16 . 01 . 2019 Conduct of District Level Exhibition & Project competition ( INSPIRE ) 2017 - 2018 & 2018 - 2019 at Meridian High School , Teacher Training Building Road , Siddipet during 27 . 01 . 2019 TO 29 . 01 . 2019 - Instructions for compulsory

Poceedings of the District Educational officer . Siddipet District

Present : Prof . K . Ravikanth Rao

Siddipet: Rc . No : DLEPC / B3 - Sci - 1 / 2019 dt . 16 . 01 . 2019 Conduct of District Level Exhibition & Project competition ( INSPIRE ) 2017 - 2018 & 2018 - 2019 at Meridian High School , Teacher Training Building Road , Siddipet during 27 . 01 . 2019 TO 29 . 01 . 2019 - Instructions for compulsory

Sub :

      Conduct of District Level Exhibition & Project competition ( INSPIRE ) 2017 - 2018 & 2018 - 2019 at Meridian High School , Teacher Training Building Road , Siddipet during 27 . 01 . 2019 TO 29 . 01 . 2019 - Instructions for compulsory participation - Orders – Issued .

Ref :

    1 . Proc . Rc . No : 609 / Sci / SCERT - TS / 2019 the Director , SCERT , TS , Hyd


         The Director , SCERT , TS , Hyderabad has issued guidelines and instructions to conduct the District level Exhibition and Project Competition 2019 . Accordingly three days of DLEPc 2019 is fixed to conduct from 27 . 01 . 2018 to 29 . 01 . 2019 at Meridian High School , Siddipet considering all the basic amenities required for conduct of Exhibition .

     Sri . D . Krishna Bhasker Collector & District Magistrate , Siddipet will be the Chairman and Prof . K . Ravikanth Rao DEO Siddipet will be the convener of the District Science Exhibition .

      As per the instructions communicated by the Director , SCERT , TS , Hyderabad ; all the Mandal Educational Officers , HMs , Principals , Special Officers of all the management schools in the District whose students are selected for INSPIRE awards for 2017 - 2018 & 2018 - 2019 are hereby instructed to see their students and concerned guide teachers to participate in Dist . Level Exhibition as per the schedule for the Systematic and smooth conduct . And they are cxpected and believed to reflect the professional interests , competencies and have sufficient time and capability to participate in the activities of their students . It is sought by the Chairman / Convener of Science Exhibition ( Dist level ) that , a balanced and standard participation by all the participants from start to end of the Exhibition .

     Therefore all the above individuals are informed to alert their students and mide teachers to register their exhibits on 26 . 01 . 2019 from 2pm onwards and participate in the DLPEC 2019 with a competitive spirit and make the programme a big success .

District Educational Officer of Siddipet District

1 . The HMs nominated as the Conveners & Co - Conveners as listed in the annexure .

2 . Copy submitted
to the Director , SCERT , TS , Hyderabad . .
3 . Copy submitted to the Commissioner & Director of School Education , TS , Hyderabad .


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