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TS Cir No.338ITSEC-PR/2019 Dated:22.01.2019 Ordinary Elections to Gram Panchayats, 2019 Notification issued for conduct of elections in three phases Ist phase of poll was conducted on 21.01.2019 In certain polling stations improper procedure was followed by the polling personnel- Certain instructions

ELECTIONS /URGENT TELANGANA STATE ELECTION COMMISSION 1t Floor, DTCP Building, Opp: PTI Building, A.C.Guards, Hyderabad 500 004


TS Cir No.338ITSEC-PR/2019 Dated:22.01.2019 Ordinary Elections to Gram Panchayats, 2019 Notification issued for conduct of elections in three phases Ist phase of poll was conducted on 21.01.2019 In certain polling stations improper procedure was followed by the polling personnel- Certain instructions


      TS ECElections Ordinary Elections to Gram Panchayats, 2019 Notification issued for conduct of elections in three phases Ist phase of poll was conducted on 21.01.2019 In certain polling stations improper procedure was followed by the polling personnel- Certain instructions- Issued.


      TSEC Notification no. 363/TSC-PR/2018 dated 01.01.2019


             In the reference cited, the State Election Commission issued Notification for conduct of Gram Panchayat Elections in three phases. The Ist phase of poll is scheduled on 21.01.2019, IInd phase on 25.01.2019 and IIIrd phase on 30.01.2019. In the Ist phase poll of Gram Panchayat Elections held on 21.01.2019, the Commission noticed the following improper procedure followed in certain polling stations by the polling personnel.

       1. Voters were allowed to vote based on voter slip produced without verifying their identity and without insisting any one of the authorized voter identification documents specified by the Commission. In certain Granm Panchayats this defective procedure facilitated impersonation and that led to voiding of that poll and re-notification for fresh pol.

     2. In many a polling stations, voters were given two ballot papers Le., Ward Member ballot paper and Sarpanch baillot paper at a time. Apart from



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