Rc . No . 215 / Scr - III / 2015 , Dated . 17 . 02 . 2019 Upgradation of 6143 posts of Language Pandits ( LPTs ) as School Assistaurit ( Lariguages ) and 8072 posts of Physical Education Teachers ( PET ) as School Assist . PEd ( physical Education ) working in MPUPS Zilla Parishad / Governorrent High Schools in the pay scale of 28940 - 78919 in the revised Pay Scales , 2015
Sub : -
School Education - Upgradation of 6143 posts of Language Pandits ( LPTs ) as School Assistaurit ( Lariguages ) and 8072 posts of Physical Education Teachers ( PET ) as School Assist . pril ( Thysical Education ) working in MPUPS Zilla Parishad / Governorrent High Schools in the pay scale of 28940 - 78919 in the Frvised Pay Scales , 2015 - Cominunicated - Reg .
Ref :
1 . G . O Ms . No . 17 Finance ( HRM . II ) Department , Dated . 03 . 02 . 2017 .
2 . GO Ms . No , I Finance ( HRM . II ) Depart / 1tr11 , Dated . 03 . 02 . 2017
3 . This olice letter No . 215 / Ser - III / 2015 , Dated . 31 . 01 . 2019 & 07 . 02 . 2019 .
4 . G . O Ms No . 15 , Din ( IIRM . II ) D : pt . , Dated . 16 . 02 . 2019 . .
5 . Government Mcro Nu , 671 / Ser . ILA1 / 2019 , Dutc . 16 . 02 . 2019 -
The attention of the District Educational Officers in the State arc invited to the references 1 and 21 cited , wherein the Government have issued orders for Upgణdation of 2487 posts ofLanguage Pandits 15 School Assistants ( Languages ) and 1047 posts of Physical Education Tecliers as School Assistant ( Physical Education in the State , Further , the Government in the reference 4 " and S " cited , have issued Orders for upgradation of 5143 posts of Languse Pundits ( Language : Tandits ) : Is School Assistants ( Languages ) and 802 posts of Physical Education Teachers ( TETs ) as Sclicol Assistant ( Physical Education ) working in MIPUPS Zilla Parishad / Government High Schools in the psy scale of 28910 - 78910 in the Revised Pay Scales , 2015 , A copy of the above Govcinment Orders in the reference 4 and 5 cited , are herewith communicated for taking immediate action in the 171atter and further instructions will be issued in due course .
Encl : As above .
Sd / - T . Vijaya Kumar
To ,
The District Educational officers in the State .
Copy to
the Regional Joint Dir : ctor of School Education , Warangal , Hydcrabad . Copy submitted to the Spl . Chief Secretary to Government , School Education Department , Secretariat , Hyderabad . | | True Copy forward ! ! SUPERINTENDENT
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