
AP Letter No . 14 / PRC I2018 Dated 7 March , 2019 PRC - 1th Pay Revision Commission - Meetings with the Heads of Departments to elicit views on the requets of the employee



AP Letter No . 14 / PRC I2018 Dated 7 March , 2019 PRC - 1th Pay Revision Commission - Meetings with the Heads of Departments to elicit views on the requets of the employee


The Secretary 11 Pay Revision Commission Room No . 292 , First Floor Second Building A . P . Secretariat , Velagapudi AMARAVATHI - 522238


The concerned Associations

Sir ,

Sub : -

  PRC - 1th Pay Revision Commission - Meetings with the Heads of Departments to elicit views on the requets of the employee ) - Reg .

Ref : -

1 . C , 0 . Ms . No . 75 Crical Administration . Department dated 28 . 05 . 2018 2 CO . Rt . No . 1451 Central Administration . Deportinorit dated 03 . 07 . 2018
3 . Pres Release of the Secretary to Pay Revision Commission dated 20 . 07 . 2018 ard 29 . 08 . 2018
4 . Questionnaire issued vide D . 0 . ! Letter No . 52010 / 18 / 2018 / PRC 1 dated 25 . 7 . 2018

     As you are aware Covernment have constituted 11th Pay Revision Corrurnission Vicle C lirst cityl . OrL assuruption office by the Pay Revision Corintiissioner , I press releIS ! WINS Issued inviting representations from the Associations stipulating 30th August 2018 as the last ( th , OIL Illu rojuls of ll Associations , the last dant ! Wils ! xturMlth up to 20 " SIMPilihor . 2018 , Slipullarly . Il quostlorillalrt was issued vide rolorofit fourthi cittd . Various SurvicTulsiotics Associations havD called on the Pay Revisior Collitrilssor alrMl subctility forms / tritutions . The Pay Revision Commissioner is also visiting Districts with an object t ( ) ( llicit illy vlWs of the local branches of Associations or general issues , and service Titlors Iriludtvd in thM Questionnaire and also to give therIn art opportunity to explain the issue already raised by them in their representations filed before the Commission

The representations so received are available on the website of the Finance Dportivorit ( www . apfinarCe . gov . in ) .

The concerned Heads of Departments havo both givori OCCKS to Nru thorn by logging in with the user ID and password alreadly furnished . The Pay Revision Commissioner will be convening a rnooting with the Associations department wise 5 indicated in the schedule enclosd .

I therefore request you to attend the meeting in the controlo hall ( Roothi No . 129 Fourth Building Secretariat ) as per the schedule . Further , the Heads of the Departments are roquested to attend the meeting along with their considered recommendations in writing on the requets of the Associations relating to

a ) Reques for improvement of pay Scale

b ) Special Pay and allowance

c ) Other conditions of Service Yours faithfully , ( K . V . S . K . S . PAPA RAO )


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