
Assam: Implementation of Old Pension System ( OPS ) in respect of Employees under NPS


Dated 13t March , 2019 No 1 . 81 / 2019


Deputy Secretary to the Govt . of A ll Flinthe ( Establishrrent - B ) Deparmerit . Tv The Tirector of CCC ) Lifits & Treasuries , A53 / html kar Bhuwa . Dispur , ( juwahati + 5 .

Sub .

   Regarding implementation of Old Pension System ( OPS ) in respect of Employees under NPS .

Sir ,

I HITI directed to enclost therewith a copy of the letter No . MEIN / IA019 / 057 dated 05 / 02 / 2019 received from the Hon ' ble Finance Minister along with the reportion of Aswin Scretariat Service Association on the matter of restorintiL11 of old persicil & little in respect of employees under NPS etc , This derThands of the Associatioti tv indicated below :

1 . Tu revert to the Old Pension System ( hereinafter referred to as OPS ) in respect of the | cinployees under NPS .

2 In bring in DCRC ( Deith - Tuirl - Retiremerit ( Girutunity ) fitnility in respect of the employees under NPS under Govt . of Assarla is has already been provided by Central GoverTurmeric E well as some other State Governments ,

3 . To fix at least 50 % of last Busic Phy as the persiothable arTMMr1 10 respect of cliployEES tulder NPS till reversion to the Old Pension Scherrie ( CPS ) .

      You are therefore requested to kindly look into the matter and firmisll detailed facturall inputs indicatirl financial implicatirls etc to this Department at ari tirly date for furthcY I tsIry action at this end . Inc . . . As stated above Yours faithfully Deputy Secretary to the Govt . of Assam Fin / ince ( Establishment - B ) Department MENON FEB . 81201923 - A Dated Dispur the 13 March , 2019 Copy to The OSD to Hon ' ble Finatic Minister for kind appraisal of Hon ' ble Finance Minister in respect of his Letter No . M / FIN / 120 19 / 057 dated 05 / 2019 .

   2 Shri Paths Hazarika , General Secretary , Assum Secretariat Service Association for information witli reference to representations No . NII . dated 01 / 02 / 2019 and 18 / 02 / 2019 , By Urderste ,

Deputy Secretary to the Govt . of Assam Finance ( Establishment - B ) Department .


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