1.Know your counting hall / CU / PB / AC / PC on 22nd May
2. Bring your order on day of counting (23rd May )
3. Timely Report to Venue ( by 5.00 am )
4. Police verification formalities at the entrance of venue ( show your documents
5. Properly park your vehicle at parking place ( see indication boards )
6. Reach to your counting hall premises ( indication boards )
7. Deposit Your mobile (cooperative with police )
8. Reach to Counting Hall in time ( preferably by 5.30 am )
9. Know your TABLE / CU / PB ( randomisation of staff by ARO )
10. Take your breakfast at your food counter
11. Re Report to Counting Hall by 7.00 am
12. Take refresher instructions from ARO / RO.
13. Verify material placed on your table well before actual commencement of counting ( 8.30 am )
14. Clarify doubts if any in advance .
15. Acquaint on Various Forms
16. Don’t meddle with agents and avoid private talks / informal talks with them .
17. Examine CU on CU table / No of PBs on PB table
18. Carrying Cases to be opened and place EVMs on table .
18. Verify 17 C part I and CU number and PS number . Ensure No tampering of machine and CU and Form 17 C part 1 relates to your PS
19. Connect CU with BU .
20. Switch on CU and wait for system designed display
21. Press total button and verify with 6th item of 17 C part 1.
22. If it is matched proceed further
If it is not , ascertain reasons and take support of Row Incharge / ARO of Hall .
Situation 1: votes in 6th column matches with CU total .
Situation2: one / two variation which is not substance in nature .
Situation 3: not mentioned instead mentioned in 1st/ 2nd item of 17 C.
Situation 4: mock poll data not cleared and keep aside the CU and wait for RO instructions.
Situation 5: discrepancy is substantial and take support of ARO / RO .
23. Remove address tag of CU
24. Open outer cover of Result section and pierce seals of result section and press RESULT button .
25. Wait for system designed display .
Situation 1:
Result Will display - proceed further .
Situation 2:
Invalid Response Code - inform to RO and take his instructions and proceed .
26. Note down candidates wise votes in part 2 of 17 C . ( display of CU in such that counting agents and CS / MO should see display properly.
27. Use Carbon Paper for preparation of duplicate copy of part II of 17 C .
28. Obtain Signatures of Agents in both part 2 of 17 C .
29. Keep one copy in your Folder available on table and another copy of 17 C part 2 ( CS filled ) to be stapled with part 1 of 17 C ( PO filled ) and handover to ROW incharge .
30. Support for random verification of CU by MO / additional counting staff in that Round . Repeat above steps in Next Round .
31. Steps in VVPAT Counting of ballot slips after CU Counting .
32. Sit properly in VCB .
33. Keep materials ready like ballot slip handling tray , pigeon hole , rubber bands , calculator, FORM ( annexure A and B ) , Forms of 17 C of CU )
34. Examine address tag of Drop Box and show to all agents
35. Remove Tag and open drop box
36. Keep all ballot slips of drop box in vvpat handing tray .
37. Segregate into candidate / NOTA/ POST slip in pigeon hole .
38. After segregation, do actual counting . Bundle the slips in to 25 each . Count . Fill prescribed Form .
39. As ballot slips are very small utmost care to be taken for counting and handling .
40. After vvpat Counting and RO satisfies the count , rubber bands to be removed and all such ballot slips to be placed again in drop box and Hanover VVPAT to ARO on duty .
Counting of Votes of MP Elections Step by Step Points
Monday, May 20, 2019
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