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AP Lr.Rc.No.ESEO2-27021/39/2019-MDM-CSE-1, Date:26/04/2019 Request Letter by CSE for ELs to Teachers MDM in Summer

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K Sandhya Rani,I.Po.S
Commissioner of School Education
Andhra Pradesh, Amaravati, Ibrahimpatnam, Krishna.
The Special Chief Secretary to Govt.,
School Education Department, Government of Andhra Pradesh
Amaravati Velagapudi,
Lr.Rc.No.ESEO2-27021/39/2019-MDM-CSE-1, Date:26/04/2019 Request Letter by CSE for ELs to Teachers MDM in Summer
      Mid-Day Meal Scheme Providing meals to the  children during summer vacation in Drought Affected areas in th State Requirement of budget for implementing Requested - Regarding.
1.G.O.Ms.No:2 Revenue Department Dt:13-02-2019. 2.Letter F.No.5-1/2018 MDM.2-1, dt:07-09-2018 of Gol. 3. This office Lr.Rc.No.63/MDM/2018 Dt:14/11/2018 4.This Office Letter Rc.No.ESEO2-27021/39/2019-MDM-CSE-1, date:01-04-2019. 5.Govt. Memo No.ESE01-SEDNo.CSE/394/Prog.1/A1/2019, date:15- 04-201 6. Rept. dated 23.04.2019 of FAPTO A.P. Amaravathi.
Here I invite your kind attention to the reference cited and wish to submit that in the G.O 1st cited the Government of Andhra Pradesh have identified and declared 257 Mandals as Drought effected Mandals in Rabi 2018-19 in eight districts of the State. In the Memo 5th cited Government of AP have accorded permission to provide Mid-Day Meal to the students of Primary, Upper Primary and High schools entitled as per norms during the summer vacation of 2018-19 to the children in 257 drought affected Mandals During the year 2017-18 the MDM Masster of ld to the children of drought Union necessary proposal was affected Mandals. As per request of the Teachers submitted to Government for sanction of Earned Leave to the HMs/Teac worked in summer holidays for MDM scheme. But, Government No.225780/Prog.L/A1/2017, dated:27-11-2017 in its Memo have nominally accepted for ing summer holidays, and also requested for specific Head-of-Account to meet the expenditure. The details of Head of Account was submitted to Government, of an amount of Rs.2000/- per teacher, who worked during summer but orders of Government are awaited. In this connection, it is submitted that the Head Master of High Schools and Head Teacher of Primary/ UP schools has to be present at the time of cooking and serving Mid-Day Meal scheme. The cooking may start in the morning.....


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