PROCEEDINGS OF THE DIRECTOR , SCERT , ANDHRA PRADESH , AMARAVATHI Present . Sri . D . Madhusudhana Rao . , M . A , B . Ed .
AP Rc . No . 1l / C / C & T / SCERT / 2016 Dated : 12 - 06 - 2019 ALA Programme - implementation for the academic year 2019 - 20 - orientatation for teachers in ALA schools
Sub :
School Education - SCERT - ALA Programme - implementation for the academic year 2019 - 20 - orientatation for teachers in ALA schools - - orders issued - reg .
Ref : |
1 . MoU between RiVER , TIDE and GOAP
2 . Minutes of the meeing held on 22 - 05 - 2019 in the office of SCERT .
All district educational officers and Project officers of Samagra Siksha in the state are aware that Ananda Lahari Abhyasana ( ALA ) programme is being implemented successfully from the last 2 academic years . This academic year it is scaled upto 3 , 4 , & 5 classes also . At this juncture ALA Master Coaches trainings are completed recently and now it is the time for conducting ALA school teachers orientation on the pedagogy of 3 , 4 and 5 classes . | Before teacher trainings it is planned to conduct one day orientation to all Mandal Educational Officers in the districts to have a clear underastanding on the ALA pedagogy as they are the key monitoring officers in proper implementation of the programme i . e . on 21st June | Therefore all the District Educational Officers and Project officers of Samagra of all districrts are requested conduct the training for these identified ALA school teachers in 2 different spells . Planning Day for ALA teacher training - 22nd June First spell - From 23rdJune to 26th June Second spell - From 27th June to 30th June | The DEOs further requested to give instructions to the identified schools teachers to attend one teacher in each spell .
For any queries plase contact Smt . V , Vijaya Durga , ALA State Coordinator , SCERT . Cell : 9866571213 , and Mr . A , Satyanarayana , ALA State coordinator , SCERT . Cell : 8897966414 , | The expenditure for the conduct of these trainings will be released by SCERT very soon and the unit cost for the said trainings is annexed to this . It is also requested to conduct one day planning meeting before conducting the first spell of orientation , Please share the venue details to SCERT and SSA for the convenience of state observers to visit the trainings . DIRECTOR
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