Ananda Vedika III level VI th, VII th, VIII classes
▶ Ananda Vedika IV level VI th, VII th, VIII classes
*🌺Anandha Vedikha 1st week (3 days from 4.7.19 to 6.7.19) possibly minimised adjustment*
🌺1st to 8th classes as below:
🔹Thursday: 30 minutes Mindfulness.
🔹Friday: Story-telling, Reflections.
🔹Saturday: Activity/ Task, Expressions.
👉Everyday 5 minutes Mindfulness in the starting and 3 minutes Silence at the end in these 30 minutes - Common.
🌺Classes 9th & 10th:
◼Thursday: Situation/ Scene, Reflections.
◼Friday: Task, Reflections.
◼Saturday: Task, Expressions.
👉Everyday 5 minutes Mindfulness in the starting and 3 minutes Silence at the end in these 30 minutes.
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