Present:: K.Sandhya Rani, IPOS.,
AP Rc.No.424/A/SS/2019 Dt.09/07/2019 Release of funds 1st instalment towards School Annual Grants to 6313 Secondary Schools for the year 2019-20
Samagra Shiksha (Secondary) Sanction and Release of funds 1st instalment towards School Annual Grants to 6313 Secondary Schools for the year 2019-20 Orders- Issued- Regarding.
1. D.O.No.11-2/2019 EE. 13, dt.15.11.2019 of Joint Secretary -Government of India, MHRD, New Delhi 2.Memo.No.ESE01-SEDNOSPD/18/2019-PROG-II,dt. 19.04.2019 3. N.No. 14-4/2019-IS-18 (GEN), dt.05.07.2019 from the Government of India, MHRD New Delhi to he ince and Accoants Officer o this onice is mormed that the Government of India approved an amount of Rs.4091.00 lakhs for High Schools towards Annual Grants. The sanction is hereby accorded to release an amount of Rs.1888.625 lakhs (Rupees Eighteen Crores Eighty Eight Lakhs Sixty Two Thousand Five Hundred Only) to the SMDCS of 6313 schools towards Annual Grants for the year 2019-20 as 1st instalment such as repair/ replacement of laboratory equipment, purchase of lab consumables, purchase of books, periodicals, news paper, electricity charges, water charges, purchase of sports equipment, music, dance, painting, culture teaching aids, maps, charts, stationary, etc. based on the enrolment. List of schools is enclosed herewith Therefore the Finance and Accounts Officer of this office is requested to arrange to release an amount of Rs.1888.625 lakhs (Rupees Eighteen Crores Eighty Eight Lakhs Sixty Two Thousand Five Hundred Only) to the SMDCs of 6313 High Schools towards Annual Grants for the year 2019-20 as 1t instalment duly meeting the expenditure from the available Non-recurring grants of Samagra Shiksha (Secondary) subject to recoupment of recurring grants from the Government Encl: List of 6313 High schools SANDHYA RANI KANNEGANTI, Commissioner of School Education &Ex-Officio Project Director, Samagra Shiksha (Secondary), A.P., SignatureNalid a'Actounts Officer, Samagra Shiksha (Secondary), AP, Vijayawada. e Pira Digitally signed by KANNEGANTI SAN HYA RANI Date: 2019.07099:29:49 IST Reason: Aprod E0, 4 Sae Copu to all t R59SE
1. D.O.No.11-2/2019 EE. 13, dt.15.11.2019 of Joint Secretary -Government of India, MHRD, New Delhi 2.Memo.No.ESE01-SEDNOSPD/18/2019-PROG-II,dt. 19.04.2019 3. N.No. 14-4/2019-IS-18 (GEN), dt.05.07.2019 from the Government of India, MHRD New Delhi to he ince and Accoants Officer o this onice is mormed that the Government of India approved an amount of Rs.4091.00 lakhs for High Schools towards Annual Grants. The sanction is hereby accorded to release an amount of Rs.1888.625 lakhs (Rupees Eighteen Crores Eighty Eight Lakhs Sixty Two Thousand Five Hundred Only) to the SMDCS of 6313 schools towards Annual Grants for the year 2019-20 as 1st instalment such as repair/ replacement of laboratory equipment, purchase of lab consumables, purchase of books, periodicals, news paper, electricity charges, water charges, purchase of sports equipment, music, dance, painting, culture teaching aids, maps, charts, stationary, etc. based on the enrolment. List of schools is enclosed herewith Therefore the Finance and Accounts Officer of this office is requested to arrange to release an amount of Rs.1888.625 lakhs (Rupees Eighteen Crores Eighty Eight Lakhs Sixty Two Thousand Five Hundred Only) to the SMDCs of 6313 High Schools towards Annual Grants for the year 2019-20 as 1t instalment duly meeting the expenditure from the available Non-recurring grants of Samagra Shiksha (Secondary) subject to recoupment of recurring grants from the Government Encl: List of 6313 High schools SANDHYA RANI KANNEGANTI, Commissioner of School Education &Ex-Officio Project Director, Samagra Shiksha (Secondary), A.P., SignatureNalid a'Actounts Officer, Samagra Shiksha (Secondary), AP, Vijayawada. e Pira Digitally signed by KANNEGANTI SAN HYA RANI Date: 2019.07099:29:49 IST Reason: Aprod E0, 4 Sae Copu to all t R59SE