Present: Sri.P.Madan Mohan.,M.Com, M.sw..B.Ed.
Rc.No. 4133/B3/Cinema 2018 Dt 30 07.2019
School Education Cinemas Exhibition of Children Films Dist Peddapally Shiridi Sai Children's Film Society, Peddapally (Dist) Request for screering of Children films for school going children in all Cinema theatres of Khammam District between 9.00 AM to 11.00 AM durirg the periad from 01.06.2019 to 91.03.2020 Permission is accorded Orders Issued Reg.
Ref- 1) Representation of President, Paddapally Shiridi Sai Chldren's Film Society, Peddapally (Dist), Dt.06.07.2019. 2) Govt. MemoNo. 1603/General-A1/2019, Home (General) Department Dt.03.05.2019
3), Dt.28.06.2019 of the Commissioner of Police, Khammam.
While eneloeing a copy under refcrence B eiod, the Deputy Educutional Officer Mandal Educational Officers and Head masters of High sehools in the district are informod that, the Commnissioner of Palice & Licensing Authority Khammam district has permitted ta screen the following Children Films in morning hours between 9.00 am to 11.00 am ns ppecial shows during the period from 01.06.2019 to 31.03.2020 in the cinema theaters of Khammam District.
) Nenu Naadesham
) Lotus pand
3) Appu
4) Action Kids
5) ChaduvukoVali
6) Memu
7) Monkey King
8) Adhithyn
9) Pasha Andarivadu
Further he stated that, the rate of admission to the theatres ts Rs 20/- per student in Urban areas and Rs.10/ in Rural area in the District reepectively all elasscs and requested to intimate to all the concerned officials to co-operate them on voluntary basis. The Deputy Edueational Officers and Mandal Educational Officers in the District are requested to give necessary instructions to the Headmasters in respect of their jurisdiction and extend their ca-operation to the organization on the implementation of the programme besides safcguard the security of the pupils without disturbing the regular instruction
P.Madan Mohan
District Educational Officer & Ex Officio, DIPO,SS Khamma it.e.f.b.o! Rodual Superintendent
The All the Deputy Educational Officers in the Distriet. Copy to the Mandal Educational Officers in the District. Copy to the Headmasters concerned. Copy subinitted to the Commissioner of Palice & Licensing Authority, Khammam District for information. Copy submitted to the Regianel Joint Director of School Education, Warangal for information. Coy to the Fresident, M/s Peddapally Shiridi Sui Children's Film Sceiety, Peddapally tDist) r isfernatea.
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