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Sangareddy: Procs RcNo: 6329/B/2019 Dt: 24.07.2019 CCL to Teachers who are drafted for Gram Panchayath Elections-2019 during the Sankranthi Holidays from 11.01.2019 to 17.01.2019-Sanction

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Present E.Vijaya Lakshmi, B.A.,B.Ed

Sangareddy: Procs RcNo: 6329/B/2019 Dt: 24.07.2019 CCL to Teachers who are drafted for Gram Panchayath Elections-2019 during the Sankranthi Holidays from 11.01.2019 to 17.01.2019-Sanction


School Education Dept Sangareddy District Elections Gram Panchayath Elections-2019- Compensatory Casual Leave to the MEOS/HM's/Teachers who are drafted for Gram Panchayath Elections-2019 during the Sankranthi Holidays from 11.01.2019 to 17.01.2019-Sanction-Orders Issued

1) Representation of PRTU TS Sangareddy District Dt:24.06.2019

2) Note Orders of the Collector & District Magistrate, Sangareddy District Dt:22.07.2019



         The Mandal Educational Officers and Head Masters of High Schools in the district are informed that the Collector & District Magistrate, Sangareddy District vide reference 2nd cited has agreed to sanction Compensatory Casual Leave to the MEOS/HM's/Teachers who are drafted for Gram Panchayath Elections-2019 during the Sankranthi Holidays from 11.01.2019 to 17.01.2019 Therefore all the Mandal Educational Officers/ Itead Masters of High Schools are requested to sanction Compensatory Casual Leave to the Teachers whc are drafted for Gram Panchayath Elections-2019 during the Sankranthi Holidays (from 11.01.2019 to 17.01.2019), duly obtaining the election duty certificate from the concerned Mandal Parishad Developmental Officer Further, the Mandal Educational Officers /Head Masters of High Schools who were drafted for Gram Panchayath Elections 2019 during the Sankranthi Holidays from 11.01.2019 to 17.01.2019 are informed to apply for the Compensatory Casual Leave to the under signed for sanction of CCL's, duly enclosing the election duty certificate from the concerned Mandal Parishad Developmental Officer Receipt of these proceedings should be acknowledged.


District Educational Officer Sangareddy District


All The Mandal Educational OIlicers/Head Masters of High Schools in the district.

Copy to

the President, PRTU TS Sangareddy District //tc.d.b.o// Superintendent


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