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Swachhata Pakhvaada Guidelines

Swachhata Shapath may be organised by atl schools and Educational Institutions where in all students and teachcrs/staff may participate'

Holding meeting of SMCs/Pl'As or bctween parents and teachers in the first weekof the Pakhwada to highlight the importance of cleanliness and sanitation amongchildren and teachers; and to encourage and inspire them to continue with the goodpractices for hygiene and sanitation in school as well as home'

Teachcrs to inspect sanitary facilities in every school/institution and makeproposal/plan for rcpair and upkecp ofthe facilities' if required'

Competitions can be held in districts/blocks/clusters for clean and well maintainedpremiscs and toilets in schools'


Essay/Quiz compctition for studcnls on Clcanliness and Hygiene practices inschool.

Painting competition for sludents, lcachers and parents.

Debates on Swachhata.Swachhata awareness messages to bc posted on the website of theOrganisation/schools. Altcrnativcly.

photographs on Swachhata may be displayedin schools.

1.9.2019 to 2.9.2019 (Sunday and Monday)

Swachhata Sapath

I)Swachhata Shapath function may be organized wherein all students and teachers/staffmay participate. Children to speak about Swachhata in the moming assembly'

Class exercise, where every child will promisc to take up one activity forpersonal/school/community/home cleanliness.

State Education Minister/ SecrctarieV District Collectors/ District Education OfficerJSchool Inspectors etc. to address the school children.

Swachhata awarencss message to be posted on the website of theDepartmenrorganisationVSchools.Electronic banners may be creatcd and uploaded on the departmental/state web portalsto highlight the observancc of the

Swachhata Pakhwada and create awareness forSwachhata.

Upload the number of students who took Shapath and the number of schoolsparticipated on Google tracker and photos, videos and publicity material on Google drive.


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