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TS Guidelines and Activities Schedule for Eco Clubs NGC in UPS, HS schools

Guidelines for Eco Clubs NGC is a Government of India Program, which is monitored and reviewed from Prime Minister's Office, which is under Environment Forests Science & Technology Department, Govt of Telangana which promotes environment discipline among school students.

NGC is implemented in schools by forming NGC Eco- Clubs from 8th class students which consists of 5 teams with 1'0 students in each team with a team leader

The teams shall be classified as 1.Water 2. Land 3.Air 4.Energy 5.Waste Management.

Activities of the team:

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Water Team should take care of water use, water harvesting, conservation of water, waste water reuse, testing of water quality & monitoring

Land team should take care of campus hygiene, collection of garbage, Campus greening and bio-diversity conservation. Medical garden can be created. The team will count the No. of plants, trees and shrubs in the campus and monitor them. Inventory of flora & fauna can be undertaken

Air Team should stress use of cycles avoidance of smoking, burns or waste, observation and report of polluted vehicles. Take preventive steps and in coordinating with land team by planting trees with close canopy around the campus. They can create awareness on air and noise pollution impacts to nearby colonies

Energy team should promote renewable resources of energy programs, eg, use of bio-gas, solar cooker, use of solar light, solar calculator, solar heaters and energy audit.

Water management team should work with land team and ensure that source segregation by students is being carried out every day and it is


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