Higher Education – Amendment to GO.Rt.550 – Implementation of reservations for SC/ST/BC’s in all Higher Education Institutions - Orders- Issued.
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AP G.O. Rt.No.550 Dated:13.08.2019 Implementation of reservations for SC/ST/BC’s in all Higher Education Institutions
Read the following:
1.G.O.Rt.No.550, Higher Education (EC.2) Dept., dated 30.07.2001.
2.Orders, Dt.24.08.2018 of Supreme Court of India Civil Appeal No(S) 8529 of 2018 in SLP (C) No.22000 of 2018 filed by Dega Venkata Harsha Vardhan and others Vs. Akula Venkata Harshavardhan and others.
3.From the APSCHE, Lr. No.APSCHE/550/15030/352/3/2019/EC, Dt.01.04.2019.
4.From the Spl. CTE, AP, Lr.No.EHE02-17/9/2019-Bsec-CTE, Dt.29.03.2019.
In pursuance of the orders of the Supreme Court in the reference 2nd read above, in the circumstances reported by the Spl. CTE, AP and the Secy., APSCHE in the references 3rd and 4th read above, Govt. after careful examination of the matter hereby issue the following amendment to the G.O.Rt.No.550, HE (EC.2) Dept., Dt.30.07.2001 against para (5):-
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