Present: K Narayan Redily. M.Se.. M.Ed. Di03.08.2019
Re.No.SplB12012 conduct of special classes to X class students for the academic Year: 2019-20 Instructions Warangal Dist
Oo District Educational Offier. Warangal conduct of special classes to X class students for the academic Year: 2019-20 Instrucions Issued
All he Head Masters of Govemment/Zilla Parishad/Aided ligl schools are awate that due o the comtbined and dedicated ellors put up by all the Head Masters and teaching staff in the District. tre Results of SSC public examinations of Warangal Urban distric incrensed by nearly 4% in the academic ycar: 2018-19 to that of previous acadenic year. We should step forward with the sane tempo during this academic year: 201-20 s o lurher inerease the pass perecetage. Further. the acade mic year: 2019-20 has alrendy begun and this is the appropriate time to implement recuisite neeessary steps to improve the study environment among the class students. An action plan has already hen prepared & inplemented ver ceslll is noticed by the undersigned tut some o the schools an lagging behind the schedule n completion on syllabus. Further. there is n need to allo some more time to locus on slow learmers. Hence. it is necessary to commence special classes to the students X class f GovernmerZilla Parishad/Aided High schools of Werangal Lrban distriet from now itself to complete the syllabus and as well as further improvenent of pass percentage in X class this vear Ilerez. all the ad Masters of Government/Zilla Parishad/Aided ligh, schools in Warangal Urbn disarict are instructed to conduct speeial elasses to the sudents of X class sections of their respective sehools from 05.08.2019 onwards one hour befone and afier the school hours. The Head Masters shall prepare tim: table at their level. Any deviation of thesc instructons will he viewed scriously. Compliance report on these instn ctions should be sthnittd to th: undersiencd without fail Disirict Fecational Officer Warangal Urhan To All the ead Musters of tiovenment/ila Parishaad/Aided 1ligh sehools in Warangal Urban district CS Scanned with CamScanner
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