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Swachhata Pakhwada day wise Schedule and Guidelines in Telugu and English

For observing the Swachhata Pakhwada in a befitting manner for focused participation

3. resulting in cleanliness, sanitation and hygiene drive and other related activities in schools with active involvement of students, teachers and community, the schools/ institutions may be instructed to undertake the following suggested participatory activities during this period Swachhata Shapath may be organised by all schools and Educational Institutions

() wherein all students and teachers/staff may participate Holding meeting of SMCS/PTAS or between parents and teachers in the first week

(ii) of the Pakhwada to highlight the importance of cleanliness and sanitation among children and teachers; and to encourage and inspire them to continue with the good practices for hygiene and sanitation in school as well as home.

(iii) Teachers to inspect sanitary facilities in every schoolinstitution and make proposal/plan for repair and upkeep of the facilities, if required Competitions can be held in districts/blocks/clusters for clean and well maintained

(iv) premises and toilets in schools Hd ferat si-aTo Essay/Quiz competition for students on

(v) Cleanliness and Hygicne practices in school. Painting competition for students, teachers and parents

(vi) Debates on Swachhata.

(vii) Swachhata awareness messages to be posted on the website of the Organisation/schools. Alternatively, photographs on Swachhata may be displayed in schools.

4 Besides the above participatory activities, the following activities may also be undertaken by the teachers and administration of the schools: Weeding out/recording of the old files, records as per procedure. (i) (ii) All kinds of waste material like broken furniture, unusable equipment, defunct vchicles cto should be comnletely removed from the premises of schools



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