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TS payment of honorarium to 15661 Vidya Volunteers Re. No.44/PS-2-2/2017 Dated: 07-09-2019


TS payment of honorarium to 15661 Vidya Volunteers Re. No.44/PS-2-2/2017 Dated: 07-09-2019


    School Education- Budget 2019-20 (Vote on Account)-Providing of-additional funds for an amount of Rs. 34,11,72,013- (Rupees Thirty Four Crores Eleven Lakhs Seventy Two Thousand Thirteen only) to the head of account "2202-02-800-25-(37) 31 0/312" Instructions-Issued-Reg.


   G.O.RtNo.512, Finance (EBS.IV) Department, dated:25.04.2019.

2. G.O.Rt.No.64, School Education (Genl) Dept. Dt: 08.05.2019.

3. U.O.Note.No.2/Al/2019-20-(1), dated:09.05.2019 from the Accounts Officer of this office.

4. This office Proc.Re.No.44/PS2/2019, dated:04.07.2019. Government Memo.No.2808-F/289/A2/BG/2019, Finance (BG) Department dated:07.09.2019. 1.

5. In pursuance of the Budget 2019-20 (Vote on Account) issued by the Govt in the Memo 5 read above, and

      in continuation of this office proceedings 4 read above, the Commissioner of School Education, Telangana, Hyderabad is pleased to sanction and release an amount of Rs. 34,11,72,013 - (Rupees Thirty Four Crores Eleven Lakhs Seventy Two Thousand Thirteen only) to the District Educational Officers in the State as per the Annexure for eking payment of honorarium to 15661 Vidya Volunteers. The expenditure shall be incurred under the hiead of account 2202-02-800-25-37 310-312 The Accounts Officer of this office is requested to obtain the concurrence of the Director of Treasuries and Accounts, Telangana, Hyderabad and releaso the same to all the District Educationall Officers All the District Educational Offieers are requested to draw and utilize the above amount for the purpose for which it is sanctioued They are informed that every month in the first week, honorarium shall be paid to the Vidya Voluntecrs as per their attendance through online to their bank accounts. Delay in payment of honomrium to the Vidya Volunteers will be viewed seriously and action will be initiated against the Hend Master, Mandal Educational Officer and District Educational Officer concerned as per rules

Encl: Annexure Sal-

T. Vijaya Kumar

Commissioner of School Education


All the Distriet Educational Officers in the State (except Hyderabad, Mulugu & Narayanapet) The Accounts Officer of this office for necessary action.

Copy to

the Regional Joint Directors of School Education in the State Copy to Al & A2 section of this Office. Copy to the Planning Section of this Ofice Copy to the Pay and Accounts Officer, Telangana, Hyderabad Copy forwarded to the Director of Treasuries and Accounts, Telangana, Hyderabad. Copy submitted to the Secretary School Education Department, Telangana, Hyderabad for information. I/tc. attested Asistemit Director (ELE)



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