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Submission of Nominal Rolls of SSC Public Examinations to be held in the Month of March, 2020 Certain instructions Re.No.851/PS3/NR/2019 Dated: 19.10.2019


Submission of Nominal Rolls of SSC Public Examinations to be held in the Month of March, 2020 Certain instructions Re.No.851/PS3/NR/2019 Dated: 19.10.2019 

Secondary Education Submission of Nominal Rolls of the 10th class students for the SSC Public Examinations to be held in the Month of March, 2020 Certain instructions issued Reg.



1. Notification Re.No.149/B-2/2019, dated:25.09.2019 issued by the Director of Government Examinations, Telangana, Hyderabad.

 2. Lr.Rc.No.150/B-2/2019, dated:25.09.2019 from the Director of Government Examinations, Telangana, Hyderabad 

        * The attention of all the District Educational Officers in the State is invited to the notification 1st read above, wherein the Director of Government Examinations, Telangana, Hyderabad has issued Schedule indicating the due dates for remittance of Examination Fee for the Regular candidates for the SSC Public Examinations to be held in the Month of March, 2020.. According to which last date for remittance of Examination Fee by the candidates to the Head Masters without late fee is 29.10.2019. The Director of Government Examinations, Telangana, Hyderabad in the reference 2nd cited has issued instructions to the Head Masters for preparation of Nominal Rolls of the candidates Further, it is informed that, time to time instructions were issued to all the Head Masters of all the Schools under all Managements including the Private un aided recognized Schools for uploading the information of all the students studying in classes 1st to 10th including the Aadhar Number in the website i.e., http://schooledu.telangana.gov.in. Instructions were also issued to them that, the 10th class students for the SSC Public examinations to be held in March, 2020 will be allowed whose details are uploaded in the Student Info. As per the status report, the information of all the enrolled children is not uploaded Therefore, they are requested to issue instructions to the Head Masters of all the High Schools under all Managements including the Private un aided recognized Schools to upload the information of all the enrolled children, pay the Examination Fee as per the Schedule given by the Director of Government Examinations, Telangana, Hyderabad in the reference 1 cited, submit Nominal Rolls as per the instructions issued in the reference 2d eited and specifically inform that the 10th class students whose details are uploaded in the website i.e., https://schooledu.telangana.gov.in alone will be considered to appear for the SSC Public Examinations March, 2020. 


T. Vijaya Kumar

 Commissioner of School Education 


All the District Educational Officers in the State.


 the Regional Joint Director of School Education, Hyderabad and Warangal for necessary action Copy to the Director of Government Examinations, Telangana, Hyderabad for necessary action Copy submitted to the Secretary, Education Department, Government of Telangana, Hyderabad. Copy to the Planning Coordinator, Samagra Shiksha, Telangana, Hyderabad //T.C.F.B.O SUPERINTENDEN


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