AP Celebration of Constitution Day on 26 November, 2019

Celebration of Constitution Day on 26 November, 2019


APSS, Amaravati - Celebration of Constitution Day on 26 November, 2019 and
subsequent activities culminating in Dr. Ambedkar Jayanti on 14.04.2020 Certain
instructions issued to the Coordinators of Samagra Shiksha and Additional Project Coordinators (APC), Samagra Shiksha in the State - Reg.

District Educational Officers & Ex officio Project


1. F.No.16-8/2019-IS.5, dt.31.10.2019 from under Secretary to the Government Ministry of Human Resource Development, Department of School
States of India, Education & Literacy addressed to Secretary to Education of alland UTs.

2. Note Approval of the SPD, Samagra Shiksha, dt.16.11.2019. All the District Educational Officers & Ex officio Project Coordinators and
Additional Project Coordinators (APC) of Samagra Shiksha in the State are informed that as per the reference 13 cited above the under Secretary to the Government, Government of
India, Ministry of Human Resource Development, Department of School Education & Literacy informed that to celebrate constitutional day on 26th November 2019 and subsequent activities culminating in Dr. Ambedkar Jayanti on 14.04.2020.

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