AP Guidelines to HMs SSC NR regards


HM Activity NR Fields to be verified by uploading Authority (HMs) of Concerned Schools for SSC Public Examinations March 2020 All the Head Masters are requested to fumish the students data through online compulsorily. If any school fails to furnish the school data they cannot be included in the Nominal Rolls for the SSC Public Examinations March 2020.

Before entering the student information in the website, the following documents shall be kept for ready reference.

a) Original Admission Register.

b) Opening Permission orders / ETRs in respect of Private schools and Aided Schools and Additional Sections Sanction order copies if any

c) Age Condonation orders

d) All category Original PH Certificates

e) Scanned image of the black and white passport size photo of the students in the preseribed JPG format. (Size 40 KB to 50 KB only) Scanned image of the Signature of the students in the prescribed JPG format. (Size 15 KB to 20 KB only). Recognition orders to be uploaded Permission order for the new private schools that are recognized for the current year 2019-20

b. Schools which have taken Renewal Recognition orders in 2019 20 Any new additional Sections for SSC Public Examinations,

c. March 2020 ) The Schools which are already having copies of Renewal Reecognition orders Additional Section Sanction orders for the year 2019-20 and later need not upload in the website as they are already available in the website 11


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