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Financial assistance of Rs.15,000/- per annum to each mother or recognized guardian who is below poverty line household and sending their children to schools /colleges i.e., from Classes I to XII

Financial assistance of Rs.15,000/- per annum to each mother or recognized guardian who is below poverty line household and sending their children to schools /colleges i.e., from Classes I to XII



1. The beneficiary i.e., Mother/Guardian is eligible for Rs.15,000/- per annum irrespective of number of children of that family studying from class I to XII.
2. The Mother of the child should be from household that is below the poverty line as per the norms prescribed by the Government of Andhra Pradesh.
3. The Family should be in possession of a White Ration Card issued by the Government. Family is defined as Father, Mother and dependent children.
4. The beneficiary/Mother shall possess valid Aadhar card or having applied & verified.
5. To the extent possible the Aadhar card details of children studying between Classes I to XII be made available. The Aadhar details shall be collected only with the consent of beneficiary.
6. In case of the demise or absence of the Mother, the quantum of Rs.15,000/- shall be paid to the natural Guardian of the child.
7. The valid ration card data base shall be subjected to the 6 step validation.
8. The Children of the beneficiary should be studying in Classes I to XII in Government/ Private Aided/Private Un Aided Schools/ Junior Colleges recognized by the Government of Andhra Pradesh including Residential Schools/Jr.Colleges.
9. For orphans/ street children, who are admitted in schools through voluntary organization, this benefit will be extended in consultation with Department concerned.
10. The mother/beneficiary shall ensure at least 75% attendance of the children.
11. If the child/children discontinue their studies in the middle of the academic year, they will not be eligible for the benefit for that academic year. However all efforts shall be made to bring back that child to the school.
12. The students studying in the eligible institutions in Classes I to XII shall be taken as a single cohort for identifying the beneficiary mothers for grant of incentive under the scheme.
13. State/Central Government and PSU Employees, Government employee pensioners (including PSU, Central Govt etc), Income tax payers are not eligible for claiming financial assistance under this scheme.


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