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Sanction of  CCL for conduct of Grama Panchayath Elections Re. No. 8871/B1/2019 dated: 15,11.2019 DEO Nalgonda


Present: B, Bsapathi, M.A. B Ed

Sanction of  CCL for conduct of Grama Panchayath Elections Re. No. 8871/B1/2019 dated: 15,11.2019 DEO Nalgonda


Drafting of teachers during Sankranthi term holidays 2019 for conduct of Grama Panchayath Elections Sanction of  Compensatory Casual Leaves (CCL) Orders tssued.


1. TS Election Commission No. 163/PR/2018 dated: 1.1.2019

2 Representations of PRIU, TSUTF and TSPTA

3 Note approval of the District Collector Nalgonda dated:14.11.2019

The Attention of the Mandal Fducational Oficers and Head Masters concerned in the district are invited to the reference 1"read above, the certain teachers were drafted for conduct of Grama Panchayath Elecions during 1 17h Junuary 2019 sankranthi holidays As per 1eave Rules, when the vacation departinent teachers are prevented from utilizing holidays, they are being allowed to utilize compensatory leave to the extemt that they are prevented fiom utilizing holidays Therefore, the Govt, has delegated the powers to the Heads of institutions concernd lo reserve proportionate leave to the extent tenchers under their control are prevented fm utilizing summer vacation due te ennumaration, preparation or revision of electoral rolls, Census ete, based on the eertificate issued by the appropriate appointing authority for such work vide G.O. Ms. No. 35 Education (H) Department dated: 16.01.1981 In view of the albove, the District Collector, Nalgonda is pleased to sanction CCLS vide reference 3 read above. Therefore, the Mandal Educational Officers and Head Masters concemned in the Nalgonda district is here by informed to sanction Compensetory Casual Leaves (CCLs) proportionately as per rules in vogue to the teachers working under their control by obtaining Attendance Certificate from the appointing authorities drafted the teachers for the purpose Districr Educational Officer (FAC) Nalgonda To. All the Mandal Educational Officers and Head Masters in the Nalgonda Distriet for taking necessary action and submit compliance



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