Take Action against the Head Masters who issued Services Certain instructions Certificates to the Part Time Workers working in their schools


Present T. VAYA KUMAR, I.A.S Re No.2438/Estt-2 (FI-4)/2006 Dated: 08.11.2019


     Public Services Take Action against the Head Masters who issued Services Certain instructions Certificates to the Part Time Workers working in their schools issued Reg.


1. This office Proe Re No.2438/Estt-1-2 (F1-4)/2006, dt:31.12.2014 & 24.08.2018

2. Govt. Memo No.7789/Ser./A1/2019, dt: 23.10.2019 along with Lr No. 11274/Pts.IV/A2/2018-12. dt: 17.10.2019 of Prineipal Secretary to govt.. Panchayat Raj &Rural Development Department

         The attention of all the District Educational Officers Regional Joint Directors of School Education and Chief Executive Officers of ZP in the State is invited to the reference 1 read above, wherein detailed instructions have already been issued not to issue of service attendance certificates to the Part Time Sweepers working in the sehools Further, while enclosing a copy of reference 2d read above along with its enclosure all the District Educational Officers / Regional Joint Directors of School Education and the CEOsof ZP in the State are informed that it has been brought to the notice by the PR & RC Dpt.. that issue of Service Certificates by some HMs to the Part Time Workers working in schools is leading to 1egal Complications. In this connection all the DEOS/ RJDSES in the State and all the CEOS of 7ZP in the State are requested to see that no HM should deviate the instructions which were already issued in the reference read above while issuing service certificates by some of the HM to the part time workers working in the schools so as to avoid legal complications. If any of the HM deviates the said instructions the exemplary punishment besides immediate suspension of the such HM who issued service certificate to the PTW of the Schools. will be punished by concerned DEO RJDSE whenever such cases come to light. Action should be taken accordingly and the receipt of these proceedings should he acknowledged forthwith.

Enel: As above.


1AS Commissioner, Sehool Education


All the District Educational Officers in the State. All the Chicf Executive Officers of ZP in the State

Copy to

all the DTOS in the State Copy forwarded to Director of Treasuries and Aecounts. Telangana. Hyderabad with a request to issue instructions to the treasury officers in this regarding Copy to the Pay and Accounts Officer. Hyderabad. Copy submitted to the Secretary to Govt, SE Dept., Govt. of Teiangana, Hyderabad for favour of information Copy submitted to the Principal Secretary to Govt. in PR & RD Dept.. for favour of information /t.c.attested/ Assistant Director (F ey


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