***Note: This programme is based on non-detention system.(i.e. the class of a student in present academic year will be calculated automatically depending upon the academic year and class of admission.). So if any student is a repeater, give new admission.
2 Then click on GO TO ADM REG. The Admission Register sheet will be opened. First,enter starting admission number available in your school.The Adm no's (maximum 5000 adm's ) will be dispalyed.Enter the data against the adm no.of each student .If posible,enter atleast SURNAME and NAME of all studets of your school to know admission number by name/ surname whenever we needed.Insert PHOTO of the student strictly within the box provided for it . If data is entered in all fields with * (red colour headings) ,it's enough for this programme. No need to enter any thing in 1 and 3 colomns. In colomn 2 (left to the adm.no),enter Y to activate admission for present year (i.e. if the student is in school during this year). If CLASS ON LEAVING is entered , admission will be de-activated automatically ,showing Ex beside Y . Finally ,protect this sheet with your own password after data entry. Click on HOME to come back to HOME PAGE. Now this programme is ready to use.
3 To get details or for Bonafide certificate, Enter Adm no in the box provided in this HOME PAGE . The details (whether EX-STUDENT or IN SCHOOL, Present class , study details etc. ) will be diplayed . For Bonafide ,select the bonafide type and click on the link. You can format the certificate (with colours or fonts )as you like. Take print and come back to HOME page .
4 If any student approaches you, his/her adm. no. may be known by clicking on FIND ADM NO and following the instructions in that sheet. After knowing adm no., click HOME and come back. Enter Adm no . in the box provided in home page to get the details.
5 The list of all studens (upto 1000 students) who are IN SCHOOL during this Academic Year can be obtained by clicking ACTIVE ADMS link.
6 The list of studetns in any class ,medium during this Academic Year , with Caste and B /G classification can be obtained by clicking ALL CLASS LISTS link . Select Class and medium in that Sheet. To take prins, select print area. You can COPY the required data and PASTE SPECIAL- VALUES in any new sheet
7 For detaied list of some students (of any class or one class ) ,click on LIST WITH DETAILS and enter Adm no's in Yellow coloured colomn. The details of those students will be displayed. Hide the unused colomns by overlaping. It is useful for preparing SSC NR, Beedi Scholarships list, Phone No.'s list etc. You can add title in yellow coloured row.
8 ADM'S IN ANY YEAR link provides the details and abstract of admissions in any of the selected year.
9 ISSUED TC'S link provides the TC details by entering TC numbers . (List upto 1000 TC's)
10 Abstract of STRENGTH PARTICULARS is also available at ORANGE COLOURED links depending upon the type of your school . (i.e. PS/UPS/HS with Single/Two/ Three media's.)
Admission Register Software Prepared by P Ramaswamy GHM ZPHS Indiranagar Siddipet
Tuesday, December 03, 2019
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