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DSC 2003 Teacher's Option form for get Old Pension

DSC 2003 Teacher's Option form for get Old Pension

To :                                          Date : ..../...../2020

Sub :   Adopt & Implement the orders of the Department of Pension & PW , Govt of India Dt . 17 . 02 . 2020 for the batch of teachers of DSC - 2003 - Favorable action - requested - Reg .

Ref :

   1 ) GO MS No . 136 & 137 Education Dept . Dt . 13 . 11 . 2003 .

   2 ) GO MS No . 653 , 654 & 655 Finance Dept . Dt . 22 . 09 . 2004 .

   3 ) GO MS No . 101 & 137 Education Dept . Dt . 05 . 08 . 2005 .

   4 ) Letter of the Commissioner of School Education , A . P . to the Special Chief Secretary to Government of A . P .

   5 ) Orders of the Department of Pension & PW , Govt . of India No . 57 / 04 / 2019 - P & PW ( B ) Dt . 17 . 02 . 2020 .

   6 ) Orders of the Department of .................. Govt of Telangana / Andhrapradesh vide : ..................  Dt : ....../....../ 2020

Respected Sir ,

               We , the teachers recruited by the State Government of Andhra Pradesh through DSC - 2003 in the year of 2005 submitted few lines for favorable consideration , The notification for the recruitment to fill up 16 , 449 teacher posts was issued by the Govt . of A . P . vide ref ( 1 ) cited in the year of 2003 . For these posts the written examination was conducted on 4th 5th & 6th of April 2004 and the results were declared by the then Education Minister Smt . N . Rajya Lakshmi garu on 11 . 06 . 2004 .

of Andhra Pradesh has adopted the contributory Pension Scheme ( C . P . S ) introduced by the Govt . of India w . e . f . 01 . 01 . 2004 for all state government employees who are recruited on or after 01 . 09 . 2004 vide ref ( 2 ) cited .

Hence the DSC - 2003 batch teachers are forced in to the contributory Pension Scheme ( CPS ) even the written test and result declaration was done before the commencement of C . P . S . ( i . e . 01 . 09 . 2004 )

We submitted so many representations to Ministers , M . L . As and Departmental higher Officials to implement.

the Old Pension Scheme in place of C . P . S . The commissioner of School Education , Andhra Pradesh also submitted a detailed report on the pension issue of D . S . C . - 2003 batch teachers to the Special Chief Secretary to the Govt . vide ref ( 4 ) cited .

However , the Govt . of A . P . has not implemented the Old Pension Scheme to D . S . C - 2003 batch teachers .

Now , the Govt . of India has implement the Central Civil Service ( Pension ) Rules 1972 ( i . e . Old Pension ) in place of N . P . S . for those Central Govt . employees whose selection process for the appointment was finalized before 01 . 01 . 2004 ( N . P . S Implement date ) , but joined in service on or after 01 . 01 . 2004 on account of administrative reasons and the delay in appointment was beyond the control of the said Govt . servants vide ref ( 5 ) cited .

Hence we humbly request you to please adopt the above orders of the Govt . of India to implement the old pension scheme to D . S . C - 2003 batch teachers , whose selection process were completed before the implementation of C . P . S . to the state Govt . employees of A . P . i . e . 01 . 09 . 2004 and joined duty after 01 . 09 . 2004 due to administrative delay .

Encl : As above .

                                                    Yours faithfully ,
      .                                  D . S . C . - 2003 Teachers


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