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National Population Register NPR Handbook



1.1 National Population Register (NPR) of all the ‘usual residents’ in the country was
created in 2010. The field work for NPR data collection was undertaken
alongwith Houselisting and Housing Census 2010.

1.2 The electronic database of more than 119 crore usual residents of the country has
already been created under NPR in English as well as the Regional Languages by
collecting specific information of all usual residents.

1.3 As per decision of the Government of India, the NPR Database has been updated
during 2015-16 in all States/UTs (except Assam and Meghalaya) to make a
comprehensive resident database.

Legal Framework

1.4 The Scheme for creation of National Population Register is being undertaken
under the provisions of The Citizenship Act, 1955 and The Citizenship Rules,
2003. The NPR will contain the details of all the ‘usual residents’ of the country
regardless of whether they are citizens or non-citizens of India.

1.5 Some of the important provisions of the Citizenship Rules, 2003 define the duties
and responsibilities of every official of the Central Government, State
Government, Local bodies or their undertakings, the individuals and the head of
the household are reproduced below for ready reference.

a. Rule 3(4): The Central Government may, by an order issued in this regard,
decide a date by which the Population Register shall be prepared by
collecting information relating to all persons who are usually residing
within the jurisdiction of Local Registrar.

b. Rule 5: Officials of the Central Government, State Governments and
local bodies to assist the Registrar General of Citizen Registration : Every
official of the Central Government, State Government, local bodies or their
undertakings shall assist the Registrar General of Citizen Registration or
any person authorized by him in this behalf, in preparation of the database
relating to each family and every person, and in implementing the
provisions of these rules.


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