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Release of CWSN Entitlements for the year 2019-20 No.1575/SS/IE/T8/2019. Date: 03-02-2020.


Release of CWSN Entitlements for the year 2019-20 No.1575/SS/IE/T8/2019. Date: 03-02-2020.

Sub: Telangana Samagra Shiksha – Inclusive Education for CWSN – Release of CWSN Entitlements for the year 2019-20 - Preferring bills online through CWSN website - Certain Instructions - Issued - Reg.

Ref This office Procs.No.1575/SS/IE/T8/2019, Date: 25.09.2019 & 25.11.2019. :

***** The attention of all the DEOs & EO-DPOS, SS in the State is invited to the reference read above. They are aware that the data of CWSN has been uploaded in the CWSN Website by the Mandal Resource Centres along with confirming Bank Accounts of the CWSN for release of entitlements for the year 2019-20. In regard to preferring the bills through on line in CWSN website for release of entitlements to the CWSN for the year 2019-20, the following instructions are issued for strict compliance Required action at Mandal Level:

> The Bank Accounts particulars of the CWSN and their entitlement uploaded in the Website needs to be checked once again thoroughly for correctness before preferring the bill. In case, if any mistake is noticed in Bank Account details or entitlement, such details along with Student ID are to be informed to Toll Free No.18004253525 for cancellation of confirmation of student details. cancellation of confirmation, the correct particulars of the student are to be modified with confirmation freshly.

> The CWSN who are eligible for such entitlement (who need escort facility to attend the School is eligible for Escort Allowance & all CWSN Girls) studying in Government, Local body and Aided Schools are only eligible payment of Escort Allowance and Stipend to Girls. The CWSN who are enrolled in Bhavitha Centres and require Transport facility to attend Bhavitha Centres are eligible for payment of Transport Allowance.

> In the website, provision has been made for preferring the bills every month from June, 2019 to till March, 2020.

> The MEO has to prefer the bill for each month separately and for each entitlement such as Transport, Escort and Stipend by taking Mandal as a Unit duly ensuring the attendance particulars in Bhavitha Centres/Schools by respective CWSN. The MEO has to take care before confirming the bill that only the eligible CWSN are preferred with entitlement with due verification of their attendance particular and any deviation in the matter will be viewed seriously and liable for disciplinary action as per rules.

> Bill for a month will be generated only once. Therefore, utmost care should be taken to cover the targeted children for payment of entitlement of the month while preferring the bill. The bill thus preferred by the Mandal will be final and no addition or deletion is admissible.

> Bill once confirmed by the Mandal in a particular month in respect of particular entitlement will be final and no modifications (additions/deletions) are admissible. After



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