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Rc No Spl ,Dt 01.05.2020 Transmission of music video Lessons from 04.05.2020 onwards through Vidya Channel

Rc No Spl ,Dt 01.05.2020 Transmission of music video Lessons from 04.05.2020 onwards through Vidya Channel from 12.00 to 12.30 noon and Nipuna channel from 5.00 pm to 5:30 pm



Present : Smt . B . Seshu Kumari

Rc . No . Spl . / A / C & T / SCERT / TS / 2020 , Date : 1 . 05 . 2020

Sub :

     SCERT , Telangana , Hyderabad - Art & Cultural Education ( Co - curricular subjects ) - Transmission of music video lessons from 04 . 05 . 2020 onwards through Vidya channel from 12 . 00 to 12 . 30 noon and Nipuna channel from 5 . 00 pm to 5 . 30 pm - Reg .

       All the DEOs and RJDSEs in the State are hereby informed that SCERT has developed 20 music video lessons in collaboration with SIET as a part of Co - curricular subjects . Due to Covid - 19 Lock Down situation , SCERT is transmitting the above videos from 04 . 05 . 2020 onwards through Vidya channel from 12 . 00 to 12 . 30 noon and Nipuna channel from 5 . 00 pm to 5 . 30 pm for making students learn joyfully staying at home from Monday to Friday .

Therefore , all the DEOs and RJDSEs in the State are informed to instruct the Headmasters / Principals of all the schools in their jurisdiction to take necessary action for the successful participation of all the students to learn music , songs and poems joyfully while staying at home .

Encl . :

   Schedule sesling Ist 2010 Director , SCERT 2020


All the DEOs in the State . All RJDSEs in the State .

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