Present: Dr. K. Ravikanth Rao, M.A. M.Ed., Ph.D.
Conduct of a 20 day online orientation programme for PRIMARY SCHOOL teachers on "PEDAGOGY, ICT Tools and Spoken English " Proc. Rc. No: 1471/AMO/Sdpt./2020-21/Primary Date: 10.09.2020
Sub: School Education - Samagra Shiksha - Siddipet District - Covid-19 Crisis- Conduct of a 20 day online orientation programme for PRIMARY SCHOOL teachers on "PEDAGOGY, ICT Tools and Spoken English " Orders - Issued - Reg.
Ref: .... 1. Instructions of the C&DSE, TS, Hyderabad through Video Conference
The attention of all the Mandal Educational Officers and Headmasters is Invited to the reference that as per the Instructions of the Commissloner and Director of School Education. TS, Hyderabad it is decided to conduct Online Orlentation programme for PRIMARY SCHOOL teachers on "PEDAGOGY, ICT Tools and Spoken English " from 21.09.2020 onwards from 10.00 AM to 12.00 PM through offilal Youtube channel "SAMAGRA SHIKSHA SIDDIPET". Certificates will be given to the participants after successful completion of Evaluation through Google sheets.
Further, all the Mandal Educational Officers are requested to inform about the orientation to all the PRIMARY SCHOOL SCHOOL teachers working in GPS/MPPS / MPUPS / AIDED / and PRIVATE schools in the district. All the PRIMARY SCHOOL teachers have to enroll their names compulsory and participate in the Online Orientation programme as per schedule.
Eurther, the MEOS, School Complex Headmasters and Headmasters are requested to communicate the details of the online orientation programme to PRIMARY SCHOOL teachers, encourage them to register their names for the programme and see that all the teachers of PRIMARY SCHOOL teachers should attend the trainine programme. The Primary School complex Headmasters should monitor the Attendance and he/she is responsible for reporting the attendance of the participants daily to 0/o DEO Siddipet through watsapp.
(Dr. K. Ravikanth Rao), DEO & Ex-Offlcio DPO, TSS, Siddipet District.
All Mandal Educational Officers All the Headmasters through MEOS concerned. Al the Primary school teachers of GPS/MPPS / MPUPS/ AIDED / and PRIVATE schools through School Heads.
Copy submitted to
the Director of school Education, TS, Hyderabad. Copy submitted to the Director, SCERT, TS, Hyderabad. //Attested// Ram Sectoral Officer-II, 0 9 2020 0/o DEO, Siddipet.
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