PRESENT : Sri . Rajesh Nampally , M.A.B.Ed.
Sanction of Annual Grade Increment to Certain Head Master DEO Sangareddy Pr.Rc.No. 54 / AGI / B5 / 2020 Dated : 19.10.2020
Sub :
School Edn - Annual Grade Increment - Sanction of Annual Grade Increment to Certain Head Master - Orders - Issued .
Ref :
1. G.O.Ms.No.40 ( Edn ) Dated 7.5.2002 .
2. Application of the individuals .
Under the provisions of FR 24 the District Educational Officer , Sangareddy is pleased to sanction the Annual Grade Increment to the following Head Masters of High School of Jogipet Division in the month of October - 2020. The details are given below . SI . Name & Designation of the Date of HM / FAC HM with place of Present Pay Rate of Pay after No Rema Increment working Sri / Smt / Kum and Scale Increment sanction the increment
The above individuals are eligible for the monitory benefits from the first date of the month in which they are accruing Annual Grade increment . The Head Masters is requested to ensure the corrections of the increment now sanctioned before preferring the claim . The above entries to this effect shall be recorded in the Service Register of the individual . Receipt of these proceedings should be acknowledged .
( Sd / - ) Nampally.Rajesh
District Educational Officer ( FAC )
Sangareddy District
To .
The Head Masters Concerned . Copy to the Sub Treasury Officer concerned . Copy to the Stock file of this office . True Copy Attested // schon einen Assistant Director 0/0 DEO Sangayeddy
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