Retirement permission of certain School Assistants and Equivalent cadres on attaining the age of superannuation during the year 2021 Rc. No. 820/A20D1)/2016-19 Dated l6.11.2020 vide DEO Sangareddy
APESS Retirement permission of certain School Assistants and Equivalent cadres on attaining the age of superannuation during the year 2021- Orders- Issued.
1) AP Public Employment Act 1984
2) Information collected from all the teachers in the District.
In view of the data collected nom each teacher in the district through the Head Masters/MEOS concerned, and under the provisions laid down in the A.P. Public REmployment Act 1984, the following School Assistants and Equivalent Cadres are hereby permitted to retire from service on attaining the age of supernuperannuation during the year 2021 with effect from the dates mentioned against their names at Column No.() belowi Date of Attaining Super annuation ....
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