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Prohibition of registration of plots and buildings-Certain instructions (LRS)Memo No.G2/257/2019, Dated:29.12.2020

Office of the Commissioner and Inspector General, Registration and Stamps, Telangana, Hyderabad

Prohibition of registration of plots and buildings-Certain instructions (LRS)Memo No.G2/257/2019, Dated:29.12.2020

Sub: Registration & Stamps Department-Prohibition of registration of plots and buildings-Certain instructions issued-Clarification issued Reg. 

Ref: Memo No.G2/257/2019, Dated:26.08.2020. 

*** In the reference cited, certain instructions have been issued with 

1) regard to registration of plots and structures. Certain difficulties have been encountered by public and several representations have been received in this regard. 

2) In order to obviate any hardship relating to registration of documents, after careful consideration of the relevant provisions of law and circumstances, the following clarifications are issued, in partial modification of the instructions cited under reference above: Registrations can be taken up in respect of open plots/structures, if the same has been acquired by the present owner through a valid registered document earlier. However, no "new plot" shall be registered unless it has  been approved by the competent authority or is in an authorised layout. New plot would mean a fresh plot which is being brought for registration for the first time or being sold by developers for the first time As clarified earlier, there is no restriction on registration of i) plots in authorised layouts, plots regularised under earlier LRS Schemes and buildings/structures covered under earlier BPS/BRS Schemes. 

3) The Sub-Registrars may follow the above instructions scrupulously. 

4) The District Registrars & DISG shall are implemented scrupulously. that the above instructions 29/12/2020 


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