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Clarification in implementation of Rule-11(b) ( Rejecting of Promotion ) Cir.Memo.No.10445/Ser-D/2011 Dt.01-06-2011


Clarification in implementation of Rule-11(b) ( Rejecting of Promotion ) Cir.Memo.No.10445/Ser-D/2011 Dt.01-06-2011


   Public Service-Andhra Pradesh State & Subordinate Service Rules, 1996-Clarification in implementation of Rule-11(b) of A.P Subordinate Service Rules, 1996-Regarding. 

Ref: G.O.Ms.No.145, G.A (Ser.D) Dept. Dt: 15-06-2004

       1. In the reference cited, orders were issued amending rule-11(b) of the Andhra Pradesh State & Subordinate Service Rules, 1996 prescribing the time limit to join a post on appointment /temporary appointment under Rule- 10 including appointments by transfer or by promotion otherwise than by recruitment. As per the said rule, join within 15 days from the date of receipt of the order of promotion/appointment by transfer. 

An employee who does of receipt of the order of promotion/appointment by to join the post by proceeding on level, shall loose his promotion right/offer for the current panel year and the name of the candidate shall be placed before the next Departmental Promotion Committee for consideration in the next year panel subject to availability for vacancy, if he is otherwise eligible and in case of non-selection post the name of the candidate who does not join within stipulated time in the promotion post shall be considered for promotion again after a lapse of one year from the date of offer of appointment subject to availability of vacancy 

2. However, it was brought to the notice of the Govt. that in number of cases of employees, who evades to the join the promoted posts second time also are requesting to consider their name again in the subsequent panel years. 

3. Govt. hereby clarifies that as per rule -11(b) of the A.P.State & Subordinate Service Rules 1996, as amended vides G.O.Ms.No: 145, General Administration (Ser.D) Dept, dated 15.06.2004, a person appointed by the date of receipt of the order of promotion/appointment by transfer. If an employee who does not join the post within his promotion right/offer for the current panel year and the name of consideration in the next year panel-subject to availability of vacancy, if he is otherwise eligible(i.e. one time only) but not during subsequent panel year. In the case of non-selection posts, the name of the candidate who does not join within stipulated time in the promotion post shall be considered for promotion again after a period of one year only (i.e. only time) from the date of offer of appointment subject to availability of vacancy and eligibility. The appointing authorities are requested to strictly adhere to the above position. 

4. All the departments of Secretariat/Heads of Departments/Dist.Collectors are requested to issue instructions to all the appointing authorities under their administrative control to follow the above instructions scrupulously. 

Secretary to Govt. (Ser & HRM)


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