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Temporary work adjustment of Teachers of Jagtial Dist


Present: Dr.B.Jagan Mohan Reddy, M.Sc., M.Ed., Ph.D.

Certain temporary work adjustment of teachers for the academic year 2020-21 Rc.No.Spl/workadjustment/01/A2/2020 Dated: 02.02.2021


School Education Certain temporary work adjustment of teachers for the academic year 2020-21-Orders-issued – Reg.


1.Govt.Memo no.5640/SE.Prof.II/A1/2020, dated:12/01/2021.

2. Govt.Memo no.3552/SE.Prog.II/A1/2020, dated:21/01/2021.

3. Instructions issued by the Hon'ble Minister for School Education, Govt. of Telangana, Hyderabad during the meeting held on 27.01.2021.

4. The Drector of School Education,Telangana, Hyderabad Proc. Rc.No:10/Genl/2021 Dt: 30.01.2021

5. Proposals submitted by the Mandal Educational Officers concerned.

6. Note orders of the District Collector,Jagtial Dt.01.02.


All the Mandal Educational Officers of Jagtial District/Headmasters of High Schools/School Complex Headmasters concerned are informed that, the Hon'ble Chief Minister of Telangana has instructed for reopening of schools from 1 February, 2021 duly following standard operating procedures (SOP) of GOI guidelines for Health and safety protocols for reopening of schools /UGC guidelines etc.

As per the guidelines, schools with 9th and 10" classes only are to be opened. Students from other classes shall not attend the schools (no physical school for 1 to 8th classes).

Further Govt. in the reference 2nd cited has issued the academic calendar for the IX and X classes for the year 2020-21 and as per the schedule of activities, the schools shall reopen from 01/02/2021 and the last working day would be 26.05.2021.The period of Summer vacation is from 27.05.2021 to 13.06.2021.

Accordingly, as proposed by the Mandal Educational Officers concerned and based on the note orders approved by the District Collector, Jagtial through the reference 6 cited, work adjustment of teachers and temporarily utilization of services of the regular teachers are ordered herewith as shown in annexure to needy schools mentioned against their names on work adjustment basis for Therefore, all the Mandal Educational Officers Jagtial District/Headmasters of High Schools/School Complex Headmasters concerned are instructed to relieve the teachers shown in the annexure with instructions to report at their allotted schools immediately and submit compliance to the undersigned. Any deviation in obeying the orders will be viewed seriously and necessary action will be initiated against the defaulters. acade year 2020-21.

The Headmasters of High Schools/School Complex Headmasters concerned are instructed to submit the compliance report to the MEO's concerned who in turn will submit the consolidated report to the undersigned.

Encls.(18 Annexures)

B.Jagan Mohan Reddy
District Educational Officer(FAC), Jagtial. To All the Mandal Educational Officers of Jagtial District concerned with instructions to relieve the teachers concerned and also permit the teachers to join in the newly allotted schools. The Headmasters of High Schools/School Complex Headmasters concerned with similar request.

Copy submitted to the District Collector, Jagtial for favour of kind information. //t.c.f.b.o// SUPERINTENDENT Name of 1ASTATHIN |2 B.SUNITHA

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  1. Hii Good mrng one and all
    Konapur pembatla Govt High school
    Z. P. S. S.. Total 500 students are there
    But no Toilet and water fecilities
    We are live to 5 G Generation
    Shame feeling . Because Girls have not water fecility their did not have tops
    How to go to the girls washroom
    Very shame feeling....

    Plz respond to higher officers
    Plz providing top fecility

  2. Z. P. S. S high school


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