Rc.No.534 / A4 / Est / 2021 . D1.08-02-2021 .
Sub- School Education Department - Estt - teachers of the Upper Primary and above schools - To attend the schools on daily basis from 01-02-2021 on words - Utilize the services of the Teachers working in Upper Primary Schools to teach and 10 classes in High Schools -Orders - issued .
1.DSE , TS , Hyderabad Proc Rc.No. 10 / Gen / 2021 Dt . 30-01-2021
2.President Telangana State Gazetted HM , Association Khammma District No. Nil Dt . 04-02-2021 .
3.Proposals received from the MEO's in the District Dt.4-2-21 .
Keeping in view of orders of the Director of School Education , TS , Hyderabad vide ref read above , as per the request of the Head Master Association , Khammam District unit vide ref 2nd read above , and as per the proposals received from the Mandal Educational Officer's in the District vide ref 3 read above , the teachers shown in the Annexure are here by instructed to work in High School to teach and 10 classes for the academic year 2020-21 . The Mandal Educational Officers concerned are here by instructed to relieve the teachers shown in the Annexure immediately with instructions to report before the Head Master of High Schools concerned . The Head Master's concerned are requested to utilize the services of the Teachers working in Upper Primary Schools to teach 9 and 10 " classes in High Schools and issue Attendance Certificates every month to the Drawing Officer concerned . Action should be taken accordingly and the receipt of these proceedings should be acknowledged forthwith .
Sd / -
P Madon Mohon
District Educational Officer & Ex . Officio District Project Officer , SS . //t.c.l.b.o.// Khammam Salahad Superintendent . 1721
ΤΟ The individual's concerned through the MEO's concerned . Copy to the Mandal Educational Officer's in District for necessary action . Copy to the Head Master's concerned & Complex Head Master's concerned . Copy submited to the Regional Joint Director of School Education , Worongal for favour of information Copy submitted to the Director of School Education . TS , Hyderabad for favour of information Copy to the file
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