Regularization of services in the cadre of school assistant working under the administrative Control of the D.E.O. Karimnagar Orders Date : 9/2021 Re . No. 778 / B8 / 2021
Sub :
APESS- Regularization of services in the cadre of school assistant working under the administrative Control of the D.E.O. Karimnagar Orders - Issued Reg .
Ref :
1 ) Commissioner and Director of school Education A.P. Hyderabad Procs.Rc No.2265 / D2-1 / 2010 , dt . 02-09-2010 .
2 ) G.O.Ms No. 12 / Edn Date : 23-01-2009 .
3 ) Proposals received from H.M.
****** Based on the proposals received from the Headmaster and under the powers delegated in the reference 2nd cited and instructions issued in Commissioner and Direct of school Education A.P Hyderabad through Proc . Rc.No.2265 / D2-1 / 2010 dt : 02.09.2010 . The District Educational Officer , Karimnagar is pleased to regularize the services of ( 50 ) Teachers and Declared probation from the dated shown against as mentioned in the appended annexure -I . Further the individuals are requested to submit their objection if an on the dates regularization within ( 30 ) days without fail . If the objections not received on or before the prescribed period it is deemed to have no objection after expire of the period any representations will not be admitted The concerned Headmasters are requested to record the same in the service register of the individuals under proper attestation accordingly . The service Register of the individuals are returned herewith The receipt of these proceeding should be acknowledged .
Encl : Annexure -1 One
TO The individual Concerned Copy to the Headmaster Concerned . 03/09/2014 College 08/09
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