Conduct of 2nd spell of 5 - day Training on School Leadership Development Programme to School Heads in virtual mode from 29th November - 3rd December , 2021 Proc . Rc.No. 04 / SLA / SCERT - TS / 2019 , Dt . -11-2021
Sub :
SLA - SCERT- Conduct of 2nd spell of 5 - day Training on School Leadership Development Programme to School Heads in virtual mode from 29th November - 3rd December , 2021- Instructions to the School Heads who have registered for training - Reg .
Ref : Implementation Plan of the School Leadership Academy for the year 2021-22
*** The School Leadership Academy - SCERT is conducting 2nd spell of 5 - day training on School Leadership Development programme to School Heads in virtual mode from 29th November , 2021 to 3rd December , 2021 from 11.00 am to 1.00 pm daily . The said training will be conducted through zoom platform on the said days . This training programme is for the participants who have registered their names for the said training with SLA - SCERT . The list of participants considered for the training is appended with this orders . Therefore , the DEOs concerned are requested to give necessary instructions to the participants to adhere to the schedule of the programme strictly . Their presence in all the sessions for all the days is mandatory . At the end of the day , the participants have to fill feedback given in the google form and have to submit the same to the SLA - SCERT on the . same day . This is considered as the mark of their attendance of the day .
Further they shall be informed that on the fifth day , they have to undergo the online assessment , where more than 60 % of the score is considered for completion of the course successfully . Participants completing the course successfully , will be awarded online certificate . Further the DEOs are also requested to give instructions to the identified Resource Persons mentioned in the Annexure - Il to prepare themselves for handling the sessions as mentioned in the time schedule . Further they are requested to prepare the power point presentations , visuals , videos for the allotted sessions . Further they are requested to submit assessment items in MCQ format for their respective topic / topics by 28th November , 2021 . This would enable to prepare the online assessment sheet for the participants well in advance . back f Director , SCERT , TS
The District Educational Officers of concerned Districts . Copy submitted to the Head , NCSL - NIEPA , New Delhi for favour of information .
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