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G.O.Rt.No.543 Ex - gratia for an amount of Rs.50,000 / - to the HM & FW Department- Covid - 19 next Kin of the deceased persons due to COVID - 19

Ex - gratia for an amount of Rs.50,000 / - to the HM & FW Department- Covid - 19 next Kin of the deceased persons due to COVID - 19 from funds of State Disaster Response Fund ( SDRF ) - Permission - Accorded - Orders - Issued .


G.O.Rt.No.543 Ex - gratia for an amount of Rs.50,000 / - to the HM & FW Department- Covid - 19 next Kin of the deceased persons due to COVID - 19

Read the following : 

 1. From the Joint Advisor ( RR ) , NDMA , GOI . , New Delhi Lr.No.16 / 11 / 2021 RR , dt : 11.09.2021 .

 2. G.O.Rt.No.528 , HM & FW ( B2 ) Deptt . , dated.06.10.2021 . Dated : 25.10.2021 . 

ORDER : In the reference 1st read above , the Joint Advisor ( RR ) , NDMA , GOI has informed that all the States / UTs shall notify a Committee at District Level for issuance of the Official Document for COVID - 19 Death and payment of Rs.50,000 / as an ex - gratia to next of kin of the deceased persons due to COVID - 19 from SDRF funds in the light of the orders of the Apex Court dt : 30.06.2021 in W.P. ( C ) No.554 / 2021 & 539/2021 .

 2. In the 2nd read above , Government have constituted the District Level Covid Death Ascertaining Committee ( CDAC ) for issuance of Official Document for COVID 19 Death to the next kin of the deceased . 

3. Government , after examination of the matter , hereby accord permission to the District Collectors of the State for providing of an ex - gratia to an amount of Rs.50,000 / - [ Fifty thousands only ] to the next Kin of the diseased persons due to COVID - 19 from funds of State Disaster Response Fund ( SDRF ) duly following the guidelines as follows : 

i . District Collectors shall constitute a cell in their office under the District Revenue Officer to receive and acknowledge all application for ex - gratia . Each application shall be issued a receipt and unique number . 
II . On receipt of the certificates from the CDAC and applications from dependents of the deceased persons , the District Revenue Officer shall submit the comprehensive proposal for payment of ex - gratia to the District Collector & Chairman , District Disaster Management Authority . Payments shall be made in two weeks ' time . 
iii . The District Disaster Management Authority is the disbursing authority of Ex - gratia compensation to the next kin of the COVID - 19 deceased persons and they shall make available sufficient funds under the relevant head of account to make such payments .
 iv . V. The persons who have already availed the benefit under PMGKP and ex gratia paid under G.O.Rt.No.299 , HM & FW ( B2 ) Deptt . , dated . 14.06.2021 and the ex - gratia provided the orphans as per G.O.Rt.No.243 , HM & FW ( B2 ) Deptt . , dated . 19.05.2021 shall be exempted from this present payment of ex gratia . All the DM & HOS in the State shall be submit a weekly compliance report to Director , Public Health on the claims received and ex - gratia paid .



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