Capacity building of School Complex Resource Persons and Teachers on FLN Memo .No:SS-15021/18/2021-SAMO, dt. 31/12/2021
Samagra Shiksha Andhra Pradesh- NIPUN Bharat- FLN- Capacity building of School Complex Resource Persons and Teachers on FLN - Orders- issued.
1. Rc. No. SS-15023/3/2021-SAMO-SSA, dt.15.5.2021.
2. This Office Memo. No.SS-15021/18/2021-SAMO-SSA Dt.08/12/2021
All the District Educational Officers and Ex- Officio Project Coordinators & all the Additional Project Coordinators Samagra Shiksha and Principals of DIETS in the State are here by informed that Samagra Shiksha has conducted KRP training on FLN. In continuation to the activity, Level-2 training for School Complex Resource Persons (SCRP) at Divisional level is to be conducted on 04-01-2022 and Level-3 training for Teachers at Mandal level is to be conducted on 05-01-2022 & 06-01-2022. Therefore District Educational Officers & Ex-Officio Project Coordinators and Additional Project Coordinators Samagra Shiksha and the Principals of DIETS in the State are requested to inform all the Mandal Educational Officers of their respective districts to identify one teacher from each School Complex to act as School Complex Resource Person (SCRPS). All these identified SCRPS from all mandals within the division shall attend one day blended mode of training at their allotted Divisional Headquarters on 04-01-2022.
Hence they are requested to conduct one day training on FLN for all primary teachers who are teaching for classes 1 to 5 at their respective mandal. 50% of the teachers in Mandal shall attend on 05-01-2022 and remaining 50% teachers shall attend training on 06-01-2022. The detailed guidelines are herewith annexed.
Encl: Annexure.
K Vetriselvi
To State Project Director All the District Educational Officers and Ex officio Project Coordinators SS
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