Andhra Pradesh: Amaravati lbrahimpatnam.
Income Tax filing for the IT amount deducted for the month of January, 2022 salary paid in February, 2022 Memo. No: E2/INCOME TAX /2021-22 Date: 20.07.2022
Sub: Public Services T&A Dept., - Income Tax filing for the IT amount deducted for the month of January, 2022 salary paid in February, 2022-Regarding
Ref: G. O. Ms. No.18, Finance(HR.V-TFR-AL-EWF) Dept., dated. 31.01.2022.
Attention of all the DT&AO's of District Treasuries in the state and ATO/CRT is drawn to the reference cited, wherein, the Director of Treasuries and Accounts, AP, & PA0, lbrahimpatnam, was authorized to draw the salaries of all the employees across the state for the month of January, 2022 payable in February, 2022, centrally without actually presented the bills by the DDO's and the PAO, Ibrahimpatnam, acted as an auditor for the above purpose. Accordingly, salaries of all regular employees for the month of January, 2022 were drawn and paid in February, 2022.
In this connection, all the DT&AOs are informed that in normal course, the Drawing and Disbursing Officers will upload the income tax deductions made from the employees through salary bills on quarterly basis by using his "TAN" to the concerned employees "PAN".
It is pertinent to mention that since the salaries for the January, 2022 were drawn and paid by the DTA, the income tax deductions made in the January, 2022 pay bill was uploaded by the DTA using his TAN to the employee PAN. Hence, the regular DDO will get information of eleven months deductions for which he has uploaded the IT amount using his TAN, where as, the January, 2022 deductions were uploaded by the DTA using his TAN.
It is not out of context to mention that for uploading Annual Return Statement for the
FY 2021-22, Form 16 for entire 12 months is essential. In this regard, several request/representations/queries are being received by this office stating that the employees
are getting Form 16 for 11 months only and the amount deducted during January, 2022 is not
visible in the TAN of DDO. Hence, they are not issuing Form 16 for 12 months, including January.
Further, the employees have represented that due to above problem the Income Tax authorities may levy penalty on both DDO and employee for short drawal of Income Tax.
In view of the above, the circumstances explained above, all the DT&AOS are informed that the amount deducted by the DTA for the month of Jan 2022 towards T from 1,57,382 employees was uploaded at various spells by the DTA's office using his TAN "HYDDO0408C"
However, in the 26 AS of the employee, DDO will find that amount adjusted from different source. Keeping the above into consideration, all the DT&AOs are requested to inform above position to the DDOs under their control with a request to issue Form 16 for entire 12 months taking 26 AS into consideration i.e., adjustments made by the DTA for the month of Jan' 2022 salary paid in Feb, 2022, so that the employee can file IT returns for 12 months and avoid further notices from IT authorities. They are also requested to inform the fact to the employees by giving wide publicity in print and electronic media through 1&PR department.
This may be treated as Most Important.
Director of Treasuries-and A¢coupts
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