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House Rent Allowance - Nizamabad dist Procs . No. B2 / 489 / 2021 Date : 30.09.2022


Present : Sri C Narayana Reddy , I.A.S. ,

House Rent Allowance - Nizamabad dist  Procs . No. B2 / 489 / 2021 Date : 30.09.2022 

Sub : Allowances - House Rent Allowance - Nizamabad - Revised Pay Scales , 2020 G.O.Ms.No.53 Dt.11.06.2021 17 % , 13 % H.R.A. to the Employees who are working in the villages falling within ( 8 ) Kms . of the periphery of the qualified Municipalities and corporations - Orders - Issued . 

Ref : 
1.GO Ms No.53 Fin ( HRM.IV ) Dept , Dtd : 11.06.2021 . 
2.R / o Telangana No - Gazetted Officer's Union , Dist . Br . Nizamabad , Dt : 19.09.2020 . 
3.R / o Progressive Recognized Teachers Union - TS Nizamabad ,  Dt : 15.07.2019 and Dt : 29.07.2022 . 
4.R / o Telangana State Gazetted Headmasters Association Nizamabad Dt : 30.01.2021 . 
5.Executive Engineer , ( R & B ) , Niazmabad Lr No.EE/ R & B / NMC Boundary / HRA Claims / 2022-23 , Dt : 12.09.2022 . 

< > < > < >ORDER :

 In the reference 1st cited , the Govt . have issued orders that HRA is also applicable to the employees those who are working in offices and institutions which are situated in villages falling within ( 8 ) Kms . of periphery of the qualified towns .

 In the reference 2nd , 3rd , 4th cited , the representatives of Telangana Non Gazetted Officer's Union , Dist . Br . Nizamabad , Progressive Recognized Teachers Union TS Nizamabad , Telangana State Gazetted Headmasters Association Nizamabad have requested to notify such villages in respect of each qualified town by obtaining the list of such villages from the Executive engineer ( Roads & Buildings ) concerned . 

Now , in the reference 5th cited , the Executive Engineer ( Roads & Buildings ) , Nizamabad has furnished a list of villages falling within ( 8 ) Kms of the periphery of Nizamabad municipal corporation and Bodhan , Armoor Municipal boundaries .

 In view of the above , after careful examination of the matter the villages shown in the Annexure appended to this order falling within ( 8 ) Kms . periphery of Nizamabad municipal corporation and Bodhan , Armoor Municipal boundaries are hereby notified . It is also ordered that , if any erroneous / excess calculations found in future , the same will be recovered from the individual . 

The Dy . Director O / o Treasury Office , Nizamabad are directed to take necessary action accordingly . To , All the District Officers . The Dy . Director , O / o DTO , Nizamabad . Copy to the Executive Engineer ( Roads & Buildings ) , Nizamabad . // Attested // Administrative Officer Collectorate , Nizamabad Sd / District Collector Nizamabad .



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