Service Rules for the posts of Head Masters Gr-II (Gazetted) in Zilla Parshid Schools in Telangana - Amendment-Orders Rc. No. 565/ Trans/ Ser.IV-2/2022 Dated:26.01.2023
Sub: School Education - Telangana School Educational Service Rules for the posts of Head Masters Gr-II (Gazetted) in Zilla Parshid Schools in Telangana - Amendment-Orders - Communicated - Reg.
1.G.O.Ms. No. 10, School Education (Ser.II)Department,dt:23.01.2009.
2. G.O.Ms. No. 3, School Education(Ser.II) Department, dt: 23.01.2023
In the reference 2nd read above Government have issued amendment orders to the rules for the post of Headmaster Gr-II (Gazetted) in Zilla Parishad Schools in Telangana State issued vide reference 1st read